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Chokes, Chokes, Chokes.

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Hi all,


I'm looking for a bit of advice here (as usual), what would be the ideal chokes to use for a bit of all round shooting. I no everyone will proably have different ideas but anyway taught I'd ask.


I'm currently using Improved Cylinder in the bottom barell (Which I always fire first) and Modified in the top barell, maybe this is alright?


I'll mainly be shooting Pheasants, Ducks and crows over the next few months.


Any advice much appreciated.



Edited by Ireland's Finest!
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I have semi and have quarter choke in it all the time, cant remember last time i changed it!!


When i used o/u i had quarter bottom barrel and half top barrel (bottom used first 9 times out of 10)

Edited by TJ91
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Most game guns which are not variable multi choke are usually a quarter (probably very slightly tighter than imp cylinder), (first shot usually) and half in the other.

I find this combination fine for most game (which is generally shot between 25 and 35 yards) up to 40 yards half choke is good too. I have a semi auto for geese and go for three quarters or full, 'hit and kill' or clean miss principle. Some very good game shots use full and full for all high pheasant (look like starlings) for the same reason.

Flight shooting pigeons I prefer 3/4, and for decoying I use my beretta fixed choke as for game.

Often a personal choice though.


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I have semi and have quarter choke in it all the time, cant remember last time i changed it!!


When i used o/u i had quarter bottom barrel and half top barrel (bottom used first 9 times out of 10)


both the 1/4 / improved and half were a combination i used alot for alrounding like the OP, and like the OP i also opted for my little nikko skeet most of the time.


would i do things different given the time back, i doubt it, maybe used half choke in the second barrel alittle more often.

Edited by manxman2
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