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Anyone had their renewal pack sent to them in last 6 months?


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Hi folks,


I was just wondering what it actually contains? Is it literally just Form 101 and the referee stuff or is there anything else? :blink:


I'm just looking at f101 and there isn't anywhere to fill in what you use your current firearms for i.e. whether for target shooting or pest control (or both). Do you have to 're-justify' everything you have as you do for grant/variation or does your previous 'good reason(s)' just carry over?





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had mine through a few months back, not the same county but still had to justify them, have a land form, 2 forms on who was eligible to sign, a few bits crossed out where rather than re printing the form they sat the work experience child down with a biro and that was about it

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on mine in july part 19 details of firearm and for what purpose


Q19 is for firearms you wish to possess, not what you've already got at the time of renewal (which is Q17) but that only has; Calibre, Type, Make, and Serial No. - no where to put down what you use the firearms for, hence the original question.


had mine through a few months back, not the same county but still had to justify them, have a land form, 2 forms on who was eligible to sign, a few bits crossed out where rather than re printing the form they sat the work experience child down with a biro and that was about it


Al4x, was the 'land form' for addresses or for a marked up plan of the land or can you get away with just putting the contact details of the land owner down?





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I got away with that last time and they just called the farmer job done but this time it wanted the name and adddress what species I could shoot and with what guns. Pretty gay but hey you only have to do it for your main permission and I've just got a mate who wrote any legal quarry and any legal calibre on it.

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