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Free tyre guages

Alpha Mule

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I may just be over cautious, but I wouldn't order one. :no: The info you are handing over for a £2 gauge is not worth it IMO. It's only a matter of time till that data base is sold on as a list of car owners and you get bombarded with junk mail, cold calls and emails. :hmm:


It happened to me with a DIY store give away. I recieved calls etc regarding windows, kitchens,bathrooms, flooring..............it just kept comming!




im with him

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So following an email inquiry via the offer page I (not me actually) received this email today...


Dear Sir,


Thank you for your email and your interest in Bridgestone Tyre Safety.


Firstly, 1 wish to assure you that your personal details were collected for the purpose of the Free Tyre Gauge offer only. These have not and will not be used by Bridgestone or

any 3* party for other marketing purposes. We are committed to ensuring that your details remain confidential and have therefore decided to delete all personal details collected for this offer.



When we launched our new Tyre Safety website along with the offer of a free tyre gauge we closely followed the interest level among visitors to our site during the first week, as

well as noting that the offer was posted on motoring forums. The number of requests was higher than we expected, but within the numbers that we could manage and

respond to.


However following the posting of our offer on major "free offer" websites and forums, there was a sudden surge of requests in a matter of hours. This exceeded many times

what we had anticipated based on past campaigns and very quickly rose beyond our capability to respond to whilst at the same time bringing down the website itself.

We have been working our way through the list of requests, and sending out gauges to as many people as we can. Our offer of free tyre gauges was made in good faith, and

we continue to send out literally thousands of gauges. However, we are unable to meet the huge and unexpected demand.


As a global Tyre company, Road Safety and in particular Tyre Safety belong to Bridgestone's core values. 1 very much appreciate your interest in Bridgestone and our Tyre Safety activities and I hope that we will be able to serve you better in the future. We hope that you will continue to follow our activities and participate in future Bridgestone



So not looking too good.....

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