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Took my one of my hobs out today for the first time. It is both his first time and mine! After setting up i placed my hob in the entrance to the burrow, he just turned around and came back out. After trying numerous times he kept doing the same. I even tried covering the hole so he could not get straight back out but after a few minutes i removed the obstruction and he walked out! As it is the first time ive been ferreting and also my hobs first time i would appreciate your help/advice on how to have better success.

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Next time you go out just place it on the floor and let it follow it's nose as it will follow the rabbits scent to ground. I've had ferrets that wouldn't go to ground if there was no rabbits in :o and others that flicked there tail before entering to alert you there was rabbits in :good:

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It will come in time mate. :yes:


One of my older jills expressed no interest in entering the first time I took her out but she's fine now. :good:


They won't twig that rabbits and their holes go together until they happen to bump into one underground, then instinct will kick in. :yes:


However, I got 2 kits from very good working stock last year and they didn't need any help with what they were doing, one of them caught her first rabbit above ground. :rolleyes: But they are the exception and not the rule.


Your best bet is to start them off on nice small burrows less than 10 holes and give them time to work it and enter on their own accord. It's frustrating to start with but well worth it as time goes on.


FM :)

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i got some big tubes from a carpet shop, put them in the garden and let my ferrets play in them so they get used to going down dark tunels then when i took them out they new that dark tunels wer fun, then they found the rabbits and instinct kicks in now they cant wait to get under ground and find them

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