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reloader in the making

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I started reloading 357mag couple weeks back! I didnt buy the kit,but instead bought the Lee parts individually from here for really good prices.I use his Vectan A1 powder which at £16 for .5kg is cheap.I know that Lee equipment often gets a bit of flak for quality,but for its price-it appears to be good stuff.I can load 100 rounds of 357mag for approximately £7 which is a heck load cheaper than ready made!


Im not that experienced in reloading because like i say i've only been at it for couple weeks and only loaded a few hundred so far,but if you need help gimme a shout.The hardest bit i found initially was getting a good crimp on the bullet,but now the dies are set i can do them perfect.


You might also want to contact 'Running man' on here cos he's quite knowledgeable with reloading pistol calibres too.

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Don't let the Lee name put you off. It is cheaper than all the other names out there, eg RCBS, but it is superb value for money and will last a very long time if taken care of.


Any reloading book will do however why don't you get the LEE manual?? Only costs around £15 and is a mine of information.


Lastly, don't be afraid to ask questions, even if they appear stupid - they are not - this is explosives you are playing with so it is critical you get it right and of course everyone had to start some wherer!!!

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I have the lee 4 hole turret kit and find its excellent, the total cost was about £130 plus a few bits and pieces. The die kits are excellent as well, the collect neck sizing die is superior to ones three times the price. The lee modern reloading 2nd edition is also an excellent book that includes pistols.

The only thing I found personally with Lee products, even though they have some great instuctional clips via their website they are very basic,much more educational ones can be found on you tube.

Its said Lee is sometimes weak and easy to break,when I first started to reload I resized some 243 brass I was given and forgot to lube, I split my work bench but the press is fine.

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Don't let the Lee name put you off. It is cheaper than all the other names out there, eg RCBS, but it is superb value for money and will last a very long time if taken care of.


Any reloading book will do however why don't you get the LEE manual?? Only costs around £15 and is a mine of information.


Lastly, don't be afraid to ask questions, even if they appear stupid - they are not - this is explosives you are playing with so it is critical you get it right and of course everyone had to start somewhere!!!


This chap is telling you some very valid points. I'd agree with all of it, especially the last bit!

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I've been looking at getting into reloading and I have seen this kit


Would this be a good place to start?


Initially I will want to reload .357/.38. But I may look to reload rifle cartridges in the future.


any advice welcome! Thanks.


Whenever anyone asks what reloading gear to get I always say " Buy the very very best gear you can afford" because you will end up having to buy twice else and will probably end up spending more in the long run.


I have been reloading about 4 months and I have bought all Reding gear, it is top notch and as smooth as silk. I have also invested in the competition dies and they are really top draw.


They are expensive, but you get what you pay for.


I do have a few bits of Lee gear, such as case trimmer and priming tool, but everything else is Redding.


Buy quality.......Pay once.


Its cheaper in the long run !!!

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