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I don't own one but we carry them in the shop where I work.

is it just as **** as the 10/22 its based on?
I think you answered your own question. It is a 10/22 but one that costs more than twice what a basic 10/22 costs. We sell the beech stock model for $250 the SR22 is $560. For me they are a total waste of money, but some people get their jollies buying "tactical" rifles. Too each their own I suppose.
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This is the point these "tactical" rifles (for me at least) offer better control and balance these conventional

stocks for me are just as useless as a chocolate teapot.

I find them very uncomfortable to use, handle And did walk away from shooting because I was given the impression that these bits of **** were all that you could get.

Once I discovered the truth I got back in to it as I found them much better to use.

Oh well I'll keep looking quite possible I'll get the GSG5 SD if these SR22 are a dressed up 10/22 which I hate.

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I must coonfess that I thought it looked like a rifle my 10 year old son would design!

A bit like the Gunpower Stealth range of excrem.. er 'tactical' rifles.

Do gun manufacturers think their customers think they are SWAT professionals? :blink:


You gotta remember that most guns are designed with the U.S market in mind. Over here, tactical aka military weapons are much more accepted and widely owned among shooters than in your country. AR-15's alone account for almost 25% of rifles sold in the U.S today. And a lot of American shooters want something that looks and feels like their favorite gun that they can shoot a lot and not break the bank.

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You see thats the attitude I hate- people are too quick to stick things in to a place and say thats where it has to stay

and as the guy from the US said most firearms are made for military use IF people bother to do their home work

does the lee Enfield no4 (hope that is spelt right) look like a rifle you have seen before??? thats was/is military rifle from WW1 and WW2

and from what I personally hear still used-anyone got a bolt action rifle???? guess what MILITARY rifle and guess what it is used for???

At the end of the day ALL firearms have a military history/influence the ones we get are just a baby downed version of what they have.

If people don't like this tyre of rifle (bet none of you have ever fired one) then that is fine but DO NOT expect the rest of us to not get one just to suit you.

Anyway as this SR22 is a jumped-up 10/22 which I personally found to be rubbish doubt I will even look at it

I'll be looking at the GSG5 (fired, used and done better with that than a 10/22) or the colt M16/M4 same again had time with these

and got on well with them.

Unless someone can back up the SR22.

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If people don't like this tyre of rifle (bet none of you have ever fired one) then that is fine but DO NOT expect the rest of us to not get one just to suit you.


I think everyone (pretty much) accepts the adage 'to each his own...' and if someone goes for the tactical look in a rifle, that's their poison at the end of the day.

I personally would never buy a tactical, partly because I don't like the look, partly because of disappointing performance I have found when using them.

Edited by The Duncan
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At club level these type rifles are ok,but on the land u wanna be using them at nite,a glance accross a field to see someone with a mil-spec rifle is gonna ring bells.but lampin bunnies no ones gonna see u so it don't matter. The sr22 looks rubbish,feels rubbish,cycles rubbish,and shoots badly. Its a pathetic attempt at trying to take some of the market sales that gsg colt etc are filling.if u want a look alike then get one,don't get one of these.hk are doin a m4 type and a identical to the 9mm mp5 in .22. I use a steyer aug for fox,and love it,I had a spikes .22 but it wasent as good as ide hoped it would have been.may get a colt m4 if its under £500 but I wouldent pay more than that.good luck.

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You see thats the attitude I hate- people are too quick to stick things in to a place and say thats where it has to stay

and as the guy from the US said most firearms are made for military use IF people bother to do their home work

does the lee Enfield no4 (hope that is spelt right) look like a rifle you have seen before??? thats was/is military rifle from WW1 and WW2

and from what I personally hear still used-anyone got a bolt action rifle???? guess what MILITARY rifle and guess what it is used for???

At the end of the day ALL firearms have a military history/influence the ones we get are just a baby downed version of what they have.

If people don't like this tyre of rifle (bet none of you have ever fired one) then that is fine but DO NOT expect the rest of us to not get one just to suit you.


The folks in the USA have very different firearms laws to us, as part of which "home defence" is considered a perfectly reasonable reason for wanting or requiring a gun. consequently they have no problem with military derived firarms which have clearly be designed for use against men.


In GB we do not have the luxury of being allowed to shoot our burglars and "mankind" will never appear as a justification/quarry species on a licence variation variation. Indeed a significant part of the defence defence against the anti's in GB carried out by our various governing bodies is centered around the trying to make us not apear like would be "Rambo's" to the that the sandal wearing, guardian reading townies.(think of the CPSA shoots where camo is banned for example. on the basis that this is easier to do with a straight face when your rifle does not look like the ones carried by the yanks in a vietnam film, "tactical" weapons are frequently discouraged !


I dont like it either but we either have to put up with it or emigrate to yankland. :lol:

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At club level these type rifles are ok,but on the land u wanna be using them at nite,a glance accross a field to see someone with a mil-spec rifle is gonna ring bells.but lampin bunnies no ones gonna see u so it don't matter.


as opposed to not ringing bells with a Rifle in a field anyway? i'd be more worried if they were seen near a school or a shopping centre!


The cosmetics have no affect on the rifle, if its a 10/22 base unit then they are plenty reliable enough and there are plenty of Modifications around for them.


seems they are just filling a gap in the UK market..... not every ones cup of tea!

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as opposed to not ringing bells with a Rifle in a field anyway? i'd be more worried if they were seen near a school or a shopping centre!


The cosmetics have no affect on the rifle, if its a 10/22 base unit then they are plenty reliable enough and there are plenty of Modifications around for them.


seems they are just filling a gap in the UK market..... not every ones cup of tea!

i think we would all be worried if seen next to a school my friend,we all have our own minds here,there not the need for you to point out the obvious. for the record if you read my post,i have 3 military rifles,a p17 a long lee and a steyer.ive o problem with them.

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i think we would all be worried if seen next to a school my friend,we all have our own minds here,there not the need for you to point out the obvious. for the record if you read my post,i have 3 military rifles,a p17 a long lee and a steyer.ive o problem with them.



Wasn't meant to be taken the wrong way! :-) no offence meant.....

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I understand,no offence taken. The military stuff and its clones have its place,just worries me that a video of 2 or more guys with gsg/m4 type stuff turns up on the news,popping bunnies! Can u imagine the headlines! "Rambos rampage" or I dunno "soldier wannabe's go hunting" or "yes hunters can shoot these high capacity military guns" you can imagine it can't you. So if ure gonna use them on the land,do it at nite,most of us use our .22 for lampin anyhow.(I use a buckmark rifle for multi rabbit,but usually stik with the cz bolt .17) These are just my views,no doubt others will argue otherwise.

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It all has to be put into perspective.


Ive been called to various jobs where JO public class lamping as poaching simply because A they are miss informed and B they think everyone should not be shooting in their view!


There is an increase in more military style larger calibre's being used .223 and above!

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It all has to be put into perspective.


Ive been called to various jobs where JO public class lamping as poaching simply because A they are miss informed and B they think everyone should not be shooting in their view!


There is an increase in more military style larger calibre's being used .223 and above!


.223 isn't really a large caliber.

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