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Change of age for certificates?


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I was at the Home Affairs Committee enquiry into "Gun Control" earlier this week and Adrian Whiting - who is the ACPO lead on firearms licensing - was being pressed hard by the committee to say what age he considered is suitable for young people to have a firearm or shotgun certificate, as the current system was confusing.


His reply - TEN.

See Phoenix Sghooters Association UK


THAT took the committee by surprise !

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I don't know. As the system stands a child needs to hold a SGC to go with an adult shooting. My gut feeling would be to make you have to be 16 to hold a SGC and use the gun alone but amend the law so that you can let anyone use your shotgun under your direct supervision on any land with suitable permission.


Ten year olds with a SGC is just tabloid fodder.

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I don't know. As the system stands a child needs to hold a SGC to go with an adult shooting. My gut feeling would be to make you have to be 16 to hold a SGC and use the gun alone but amend the law so that you can let anyone use your shotgun under your direct supervision on any land with suitable permission.


Ten year olds with a SGC is just tabloid fodder.

Reading the papers today you got that right.

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Personally I don't see what's wrong with the current system regarding kids and SGC's.They can't use them unsupervised until in their teens anyhow,so can't see why there's a problem.The only people who it appears to be a problem for are the antis and the tabloids(and Keith Vaz,but I suppose he comes under anti)neither of whom would be happy even if the minimum age was 20,so personally I don't care what they think.The former will still rant and the latter will still print garbage.

My nephew and his mates have been shooting with me since they were eight..they're now 16,well rounded kids who keep out of trouble as they know what they could lose.Keith Vaz knows nothing about the sport....he hears the word GUN and his prejudices come oozing out like poison.

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These people are just fools who some how have brain washing power over the stupid

if the British public can be brain washed without much of a fight just shows how stupid the people

here have become.

I am now looking at the system and as I see it if this government now see me unfit to hold firearms

of my choosing for the sports (under European rights I have the human right to practice a sport of my choosing so banning firearms would not allow me to do this-hey its there might as well use it to MY/our advantage)

then I believe I would no longer be fit to go work and pay taxes as I might snap and do something stupid.

(notice how I turned it around)

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I thought he did a great job infront the committee when pushed idiots think holding an SGC is a licence to walk the streets armed it isnt.


HDAV - I agree with you 100%! I think ACC Whiting did do a good job under pressure - and it is only idiots (and the ignorant!) who believe a firearm or shotgun certificate gives a person licence to do what he wants with a gun; such as rob post offices.

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They obviously wanted him to say there should be an age limit to make it part of their recommendatory input. When he didnt they were flumuxed, I think part of the issue is the "general anti gun public" cant or dont understand the reasons and processes around shooting, and lump every type of firearm in the same basket. Hopefully some sense will prevail.

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HA your are having a Tin bath are you not?

Common Sense and the public don't mix.

If someone is perving in to your home and see you working on your firearm and call the police

in the big question wouldn't be why was this person looking in to your home!

The public won't be happy until our sports equipment is banned then wonder why they are getting mugged, raped,

burgled and even shot more often.

Hopefully I won't be here I'll just watch it on the news from else where.

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