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Shooting Monopoles/sticks


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Thinking of getting a shooting monopole or stick, with the wet conditions in the field and also possible snow on the way I don't want to be lying down for long periods using the bipod. Also in the dark you never quite know what you might be lying in :oops:


Those of you that use shooting sticks, monopoles, tripods etc what do you think of them? :hmm: Which type do you find are best and easiest to use, and what makes are good quality? I was thinking of getting a Pole Cat monopole as it can be used as a walking stick as well, anyone tried one? :hmm:


Any advice will be gratefully received :good:

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I found it really hard to use a single stick,I also tried the deerhunter tripod, very stable but a bit of a faff to set up.


I now use a set of deerhunter sticks sticks


They are cheap and cheerfull, I find that 100/130yards is the most I can take shots on accurately off them, so I limit the range or get down in the dirt with my bipod :good:


Search out quadpods - they look really good, was a thread started the other day on them, my only concern would be setting them up might not be the easiest or quickest?

Edited by Hot-Shot
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I have a set of sticks and find them very un stable for long ranges, and easy to bend the metal. like yourself i find lying in cold wet mud with my harris bi-pod a pain and not useful if your in a low spot. i personally am now buying a long legged bi pod so i can shoot seated and hopefully find a nice compromise. they may be a slightly more expensive option though. its something to consider mainly for foxes though. atb Dave

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i have a monopod but find trying to shoot off it like trying to juggle while riding a unicyle! most of the time i find a free hand standing shot using the sling more accurate! for shots over 100 yrds though, i think you either have to get down or find a post or something nearby for the shot. the tripods and quadpods just get silly to set up in the dark..i always have visions of a fox sitting p*$$**g himself laughing at me! :lol: !

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I use a trigger stick bipod, it's too slow to use as it's intended, so I carry it extended to the right height, just separate the legs and plonk the gun on it, I find it more stable if leant towards me slightly and pushed against, I've taken rabbits off it at 140 yards. whilst it would be ok for further distances I would rather be on the floor with a short bipod for those. never tried a tripod quadropod I think for me they would involve too much time/movement messing about setting it up

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