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Moderated Shotgun Wanted


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I have only ever seen 1 OU with a full length silencer. I think it was a 20G


Anyway, I have a use for one now so anything considered 10G,20G or maybee even 410G. Please PM me if you have one you might like to get shut of. I may have more chance getting a single barrel Hushpower etc and would also be interested in one of these at the right price.




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I have a few bits of land to shoot. The one is quite close to a few houses out of site to the left. The farmer is Pi$$ed about the mess left by the Crows drawn to the barn he keep young Bulls in. I have had some success in the past decoying the crows on other fields, but this barn does seem to hold them.


So I was thinking although I have permison etc. it is wise not to draw any unwanted attension to ones self and have heard some good reports about silenced SG's




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