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Doubts with Iams


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My ESS is 5 months old now, we have been feeding him on Iams small/medium puppy food since we got him.

The thing is, I think he may have an intolerance to it. His first poo of the day is normal, dark brown and solid, then they get runnier and runnier. Is this normal puppy bowel movements or should I take him to the vets?

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Iams is excellent quality food, but not every food suits every dog.


It is relatively normal for the first faeces to be harder than the following ones as it has been sat in the bowel longer and more water removed from it. Shouldn't be runny.


Is pup up to date with worming? Every month until six months old.

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My vet gave a wormer called Milbemax, that she said lasts for 3 months.

No it doesn't. Milbemax clears them out of worms and then gives no long lasting protection. When was she last wormed? If it's more than a month do her again.


In an average adult dog they want worming every 3 months, maybe that's where you got that from?

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Yikes, I gave him Milbemax on the 21st October.


I get some more into him. Is there a better treatment?

Milbemax is fine, you just have to use it within its limitations. Drontal is equally as good but available more places.


I tried my dog on Chappie and she ****** like a train so gave up.

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my labx ridgeback is 6 month old. i put him onto iams puppy large breed as i heard it was good about a month ago.

he was fine to start with but then he started with the same symptoms as your dog i.e. solid morning poo but runny after that, also he started getting really gassy!!

ive recently changed his food csj hi-lost and hes improved 100% and its only £11.25 for 15kg rather than £35

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