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New Escort S/A for sale


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Brand new unfired Escort 12b semi-auto 3.5”chamber. 5 choke tubes and full Edgar Warranty. 26” barrel Blue / Synthetic. £299.


Please note this is the 3.5" model which is about £60 (full retail difference)

more than the 3" .



Contact mry716@hotmail.com

Edited by mry716
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Thanks for the welcome guys,


I bought a 3" and am over the moon with it but thought a 3.5" would be even better and was told by Edgars that the extension tube cap and spring etc from the 3" would fit the 3.5" when it came. I converted the 3" to a pt 1 firearm and had it added to my FAC and when the 3.5" arrived I was going to convert that and swop back the 3" to sell as a shotgun but the 3" bits DO NOT fit the 3.5" so in the end rather than spend more money AND I am still 100% happy with the 3" I shall stay as I am. I have paid for the 3.5" but not taken delivery so to speak so whoever buys it will pay me and 'buy' it from the Gunshop.


The gun is in the E Mids but it matters little wherever I am or where you are as I can get it sent to your local gunshop for collection.


By the way there has been controversy over whether the new model will take 2+1 3.5" cases - Yes it will !


Hope that helps.

Edited by mry716
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Been through that one already tenbears and I reckon its OK to reconvert although as you say I dont intend to for a while yet ie until I do want to sell.


Actually the RRP is £438 on the 3.5" blue / synthetic but no-on seems to sell them at full price.


You wont find a new one cheaper than the one I am selling but if anyone does I will reduce the price to £5 less. Can't say fairer than that can I?

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