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first time out


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The bones in his ears are not developed enough to subject him to gunshot.


You will give him hearing problems in later life, and will more than likely make him gunshy.


Mine started at about 14-16 months - It is NOT a race. Plenty of time - do some xmas shopping or something instead.

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Good choice mate. 12 months old at the very earliest. Up until then, just clap when throwing dummies if you want to replicate the sound in any way.

When you do start out, don't go straight onto the shotgun either. if at all possible start with a starter pistol from a distance and work up to shotgun over a period of weeks/months. It will be worth it in the long run.

Theres a good guide to introducing dogs to shot pinned on this forum at the top of the page too.



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mate i was like you and very eager to get the pup out at a young age. the best advice given was take it slow clap your hands as said when feeding it make lots of noise while it is feeding. with mine though because he is housed outside his first sound of something like shot was the fireworks and they never botherd him but this only happend when he was roughly 15 month old and i stayed with him and everytime there was a bang i threw a retrieve for him.

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