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To answer a few questions;


Almost all the persons I have prosecuted or confiscated the air weapons have been adults, not kids. None of them admitted to knowing the law.


I'll only test a gun if I think it might be over. That is usually a personal decision. I'm not likely to test a battle scarred Turkish Webley but someone with a HW and all the hunting gear might alert my suspicions.


To put prosecutions in perspective; I've prosecuted once for over 12 ft/lb over twenty years and probably tested three or four in that time. My average prosecution / confiscation rate is around one to two a month and mainly for possession in public places without good reason or trespass with weapon. When I was on the dog section it would have been much be higher than that.


Many officers ignore air weapon offences because they simply do not know the law.

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To answer a few questions;


Almost all the persons I have prosecuted or confiscated the air weapons have been adults, not kids. None of them admitted to knowing the law.


I'll only test a gun if I think it might be over. That is usually a personal decision. I'm not likely to test a battle scarred Turkish Webley but someone with a HW and all the hunting gear might alert my suspicions.


To put prosecutions in perspective; I've prosecuted once for over 12 ft/lb over twenty years and probably tested three or four in that time. My average prosecution / confiscation rate is around one to two a month and mainly for possession in public places without good reason or trespass with weapon. When I was on the dog section it would have been much be higher than that.


Many officers ignore air weapon offences because they simply do not know the law.


Thanks for the insight and perspective :good:


And personally, I have experienced the range of knowledge officers have.

Eg, a member of the public called into local police about 'a man in a field with a gun' (where else would he shoot rabbits?) and of course they responded. The lad/officer asked me if I was coursing rabbits (as I stood there in cammo, explaining why I was there, armed with HW100, and completely without a dog)!

Naturally, I had my written permission on me as I strictly adhere to the law when shooting, and all was fine. There was never a question of my rifles power, I don't think he knew what a pcp was.

Conversely, my last feo (recently retired) was a mine of info regarding shooting law as well as practical advice. His last visit lasted 2 hours! I ask questions :yes:

The new one is coming over for new sgc ID check, gunsafe check and chat on 6th Jan. She's a clayshooter so I'm hoping she'll be as helpful as Frank was.


All the best



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cant be harrised to go back through posts but yes I have known a few get done for over 12lb

most got the guns destroyed and a conditional disharge or fine (one was brand new and the owner reckoned thats how it came) only know of one case locally were a custodial sentance was involved but there was a bit more to it


do a search its on here.



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