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Pigeon Vids & DVD for sale


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As a joke it might have been funny

hi cranfield.

i must apologies for omitting the appropriate smillie from my post, as i never thought it would be read as anything other than jovial. if by my actions i have brought any member of the forum or the forum itself into a conflict with the police or customs and excise than i must truly beg your forgiveness. i shall go forthwith into the garden and find a large blunt object to beat myself with, in the hope gaining some form of recompense.





PS. nearly forgot.

;):D:D:D:) B) :l


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Strewth!! All  I want to do is flog these bleedin' Vids. Not start WW3

dont worry young man . it keeps it on top.


PS can you please insert the word uncopied into your sentence as to exclude it may have us shut down.

thank you. ;):D:D:D:) B)



pps. magman.your getting worse than hawkeye.

Edited by markbivvy
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