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decoying over rape


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HI GUYS"just wondering if any of you are or have been getting good results over rape lately....im in east sussex and the birds are now in numbers(flocked)in their hundreds...but small bird days"they just dont seem to decoy at the moment....do any of you have tips or can think of anything....im not a novice too shooting or decoying....too much rape for them at the moment....even under the flight line is not making a differance....more decoys out/less?

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Its never easy this time of year ,things i do to help me on a day is plenty of reccon for a start maybe a good 3 to 4 hours each day and about 4 or more days before i shoot the field . Flag off and banger rope other fields if possible and flag off the other end of the field im going to shoot and for me getting there at first light if poss to get them coming in smaller numbers and before they turn into 1 big flock :yes:

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Its never easy this time of year ,things i do to help me on a day is plenty of reccon for a start maybe a good 3 to 4 hours each day and about 4 or more days before i shoot the field . Flag off and banger rope other fields if possible and flag off the other end of the field im going to shoot and for me getting there at first light if poss to get them coming in smaller numbers and before they turn into 1 big flock :yes:


Yes, absolutely spot on advice, time spent on a good recon is never wasted.



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Its never easy this time of year ,things i do to help me on a day is plenty of reccon for a start maybe a good 3 to 4 hours each day and about 4 or more days before i shoot the field . Flag off and banger rope other fields if possible and flag off the other end of the field im going to shoot and for me getting there at first light if poss to get them coming in smaller numbers and before they turn into 1 big flock :yes:

hi thnx for the response guys....tried all those that have been mentioned"tried a differant tactic today"put out just lofters in sitty trees on flight path"what a day.....107 woddies 2 crows all for 147 shots....well pleased and with my new gun

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