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which rotary


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If your going to buy a rotary you going to wont it to last a good time so go for a fair priced 1 from a good company (beware there are a few around which are the pits ) I have once bought a cheap rotary at a fair it lasted 3 outings then motor packed in yes i got another motor but then it fell to bits where they had welded it . so just be carefull :good:

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Hi all.


Decided today after a really frustrating decoying session yesturday to get a rotary. Ive seen a couple advertised that are around the £80 mark. The one from Bushwear looks the best deal around. Does any one own any of these cheap rotaries and what do you think of them?



Blunderbuss and I had a really frustrating decoying session yesterday with one....Dont assume they will be the universal panacea when it comes to attracting birds..It depends where you shoot, if the birds are intent on feeding there, how often it is shot, and numerous other things...Its like anything you buy...Purchase the best you can afford...The cheap ones are Ok but they are a bit Bulky and heavy and stick out like a sore thumb.


The best results Ive had are with the Original Pinewood rotary...expensive but well designed and still the best in my opinion. Get a cheap Rotary and see if it works for you before you invest in something better. http://www.pinewoodsporting.com. I think that UK shootwarehouse sell a similar lightweight model as Malkiserow suggested. I have found in recent years that a well placed flapper and a couple of floaters/bouncers on wands work just as well in bringing movement to your decoy pattern.


I bought one of the first Pinewood rotaries what seems like a millenium ago now and for the first few seasons it worked Brilliantly...These days Im not so sure Rotaries are as usefull in the field as we think, but thats been aired many times in other topics on this Forum.


Where abouts are you? if you are reasonably local to me I would happily lend you Rotary, Battery, and Decoys for a trial before you buy.


Good Luck

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Had my Andy Moss one for over two years and never had a problem.

My mates one had a motor problem, called Andy and without a second thought sent out a replacement motor.

Built like a tank, a little heavy but work well and great back up service.

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