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My dog has gone all chew mad! Help


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My 20 month cocker picked up a chewing habit I suppose from my older collie who chews sticks for the fire. She now seems to have regressed to puppyhood and chewed my phone charger, headphones, new £90 wellies ruined and so on!! I give her hide dog chews but she seems to copy the collie who immediately buries bones and chews so the only cause brief distractions. Any ideas ?

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Thanks I keep her crated at night but don't want her to think it's punishment to crate her? I guess she will get better?


Punishment is after the crime so by crating her before she is given the opportunity to commit the crime takes away the need for punishment if that makes any sense?!


Take any temptation away wherever possible then slowly reintroduce it with a firm NO whenever something goes in her mouth!


The only thing my cocker ever chews is the post because she gets excited when it comes through the door!


Nine times out of ten she stops after a nibble but every so often she takes a good corner off and when I come in the door she gives it away by rolling on her back!!

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Punishment is after the crime so by crating her before she is given the opportunity to commit the crime takes away the need for punishment if that makes any sense?!


Take any temptation away wherever possible then slowly reintroduce it with a firm NO whenever something goes in her mouth!



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My youngest lab nearly chewed the entire dog run to pieces, she even ended up through the fence in the neighbours garden once - we stopped any breakfast for her and gave her a kong filled with soaked frozen kibble with the ends stoppered with frozen peanut butter instead in the morning after her walk which seemed to be indestructable and now she rarely chews anything she shouldnt.



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hi i am taking it the dog is crated at night and when you are not around,

If you see the dog approach an object that you do not want chewed you need to give a NO command or a Argh Argh then call her to you and praise for stopping, give her an item she is allowed to chew ie nylabone

If the dog already has an object in its mouth or is chewing it try to get her to fetch the item to you encourage her in a friendly tone

when she approaches give her your release command and take it from her give her lots of praise, treats or another item she can chew.

never tell her off or she will be reluctant to carry object or to fetch them to you.

hopefully in the future whenever she gets an item she will bring it to you knowing she will be rewarded :yes:


hope this helps


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