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one for one variation

welsh warrior

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i want to buy another 22 lr rifle and i would really like to have one of those semi auto ar look alikes.so my questions are ..


ive got the old bsa 22lr fifteen its in top condition is it worth getting rid of for a semi auto ar style rifle ?


would it be to quick going for another variation when ive just sent away for a 223 variation ? being to cheaky ?


and if i did go for it would i have to send away my cert again with the forms and will it cost any thing for a 1 for 1 variation ?

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1 for 1 variations are free,but yes,you will have to complete another form.You could give licensing a ring and see if they've started to process your last application.If not they may 'tag' this request onto your application.It's worth a try.

You will of course,have to sell your current .22 first otherwise it's not a 1 for 1 and will cost you for the variation.

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but i cant sell my 22 without the variation first tho can i ? is there any time scale i would need to buy the new 22 lr ?



You can sell your current .22 (or any other FAC tool) whenever you want.


You only need a variation, if you want to BUY something else! :good:



There is no statutory time scale laid down for filling free slots, many areas make time suggestions, and if you go a whole certificate life, 5 years, without filling a slot, you may find it hard to justify its continued existence!

Edited by Dekers
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ahh right ok... so i can sell my 22lr and send away the paper work as normal ..then get the forms and put in for a variation for another 22 lr semi auto ? will i have to send away my cert again ?



You do not have to send your FAC if you simply sell a gun, but you must advise your region in writing within 7 days of the sale with full details. Some regions supply/have for download a sales form, others will accept advice by email these days, you need to establish what your region wants.


If you want a 1-4-1, then fill in FIR 101 again (no Pictures or references required) and send it off with your "Rifle Sale" details and your FAC (although, if you want a 1-4-1 variation for say a .22lr to a .338Lap Mag, another Home visit may be required and it may be they will collect your FAC then).


Probably best to just check everything with YOUR region, to make sure you do things the way they want!


Buy as much ammo as you can before you send away your FAC, and keep a photocopy of your FAC as well! :good:

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