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Asking for a kiss


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Went for a walk tonight and after a bit of calling a Raynard came to play.


it was one of those shots that shouldn't have been on my side. Stripey spotted a set of eye at around 60 yards so i tried to get sorted. free standing tripod in the way so move it, it drops to floor. i then have to pull the harris legs out, open bipod, get to floor. a flash of the lamp and Raynard is still sat there. a 52 gr A-Max round is chambered into the Tikka T3, cross hair on the boiler room and trigger squeeze. CLICK, duff round. re chamber and CLICK, another duffer, re-chamber and CLICK again. and other duff round. i have waited between each click, not long but still waited. on the forth round there was a satisfying BANG and an A-Max is sent on its way. Raynard falls over and im one lucky begger. it just sat there though all the noise, and clicking.


after a quick photo i stripped the bush for Mike and removed the body from public eye. after we had got sorted, had a look at the duff rounds Mike had a quick scan and there was another one but this time he was not waiting around.


cold but a result.





not my best photo but just one for the books.



All the best



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Well done to have got the fox after all that :good: but why so many duff rounds? :hmm:


I have no idea at the moment matey. JamieG seams to think its a light pin strike which would go along with what Stripey999 said about any oil on the bolt could have gone thick due to the very cold wind we were in lastnight. it took 4 click before a round let go so it would sound right.


bolt is going in the ultrasonic cleaner today then i will put these duff round up the spout again and see if that will go but in truth the primer strike looks very strong. Confused.com at momnet.



it was a big, heavy male and in very good condition with a nice black brush on it which was taken to be preserved by Stripey

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The duff rounds one after the other do sound a little "iffy"! (It' has been that cold lately I'm surprised that anything wanted to work around our area, the rabbits certainly haven't been playing ball!!!!!!) I hope you get it sorted out without any major expences.

Take care and stay safe!

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Hi dave. the eye is better than it was but i have a spot in the middle that i cant see though. i tried to explain to Neil today. its like the blurry bit you get over the faces on these cop programs. i have an area that i can get a sharp image on the cross hair so its better than nothing. i even dropped a few pheasants on the shoot on thursday so happy days.




I stripped the bolt out today and de greesed and dry lub spray back on it.

went out and loaded one of the duff rounds and fired it 6 times. nothing what so ever. i did this for the 3 rounds and nothing. i put a fresh round in a that went no problem at all.


I have 100 rounds made up and 800 primers in the box :blush: not sure what im going to do but i know that every time i pull the trigger it will be in my head so concentration is going to be down.

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