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air rifle insurance?


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ok anyone got any ideas who im best getting insured with for just air rifles its not a fac and thevonly permission i have is a golf course . but after reading every one going on about how much it helps when trying to get some more permiision ive desided i may need it. so HOW much and who is the one to go with?

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never mind chaps i found a topic on here already explaining this so im going to go with BASC and its £46 a year full cover

If you haven't already signed up, the countryside alliance are doing it for the rest of this year for £28 which is half price. Covers £10m public liability and personal injury/death benefit of some kind too - worth a look :good:

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We all need third party insurance, of course. But if you have home contents insurance the policy usually includes cover for third party liability for all members of your household. The only common, and obvious, exclusion is if you are driving a motor vehicle. Read your policy - you may be covered already.

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The beauty with BASC insurance is that you get 'double' insurance. Both the insurance you're asking about and the insurance that comes from the biggest shooting organisation with an excellent back up service if anything goes wrong eg if the police have an 'issue' with you.


Of course, BASC do not actually provide insurance cover themselves - all their business is underwritten by one of the major insurance companies, and it is they who will pay out (or not). But BASC do add a nice mark up.

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Of course, BASC do not actually provide insurance cover themselves - all their business is underwritten by one of the major insurance companies, and it is they who will pay out (or not). But BASC do add a nice mark up which, if true, is ploughed back into protecting the future of our sport.



Fixed/completed it for you. :yes: The mark up is surely not relevant in any case since they don't sell just insurance?

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Spanishfly, said:

And I am a ******** who misquotes and alters other people´s posts.


Rather than behaving in an immature manner and engaging in personal insults, perhaps you'd like to answer the point.


What 'nice mark up' does BASC add?


As my understanding is that insurance is part of the 'benefits' of being a member, in common with many other shooting organisation, and your statement is therefore nonsensical.

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Conduct unbecoming. All association/professional body insurances are underwritten by actual insurance companies. Building society/bank household insurances are equally with actual insurers. They all get commission - smell the coffee. CA, BASC, CPSA - you buy membership and in return get insurance and a whole lot more.

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Conduct unbecoming. All association/professional body insurances are underwritten by actual insurance companies. Building society/bank household insurances are equally with actual insurers. They all get commission - smell the coffee. CA, BASC, CPSA - you buy membership and in return get insurance and a whole lot more.



Indeed. And, IIRC, BASC actually mention the cost of the insurance somewhere on their website to be completely transparant.


But you get much more than just insurance with BASC membership. And I regard their advice / help desk as another form of 'insurance'.

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