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New Airgun law


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This post was taken from another forum, which i thought might interest some of you.





I have just become aware (thanks to James Marchington's Sporting Shooter blog) of that new airgun law comes into force on 10 February. In essence one will be liable for a fine of up to £1000 if you don't lock up your airgun so it cannot be available to kids (means under-18s).


Details are on the home office website http://www.homeoffice.gov.uk/media-c...s/lock-and-key . Difficult to believe this new legislation appeared on their site on 27th Jan and the law comes into effect 10th Feb . BASC are supporting the move it appears: http://www.basc.org.uk/en/media/pres...5D9C42CCD1DAE7


James Marchington gives some pointed observations on this: http://www.sportingshooter.co.uk/ click on his blog.


I think the concern for us FAC holders with airguns and under 18's (or visiting chidren) is do we have room for all our collection of airguns in the gun cabinet? I think an FEO would now take a dim view of airguns in their slips outside the gun cabinet even if the pellets are locked away (my current situation). Hence I have just ordered a significantly larger cabinet and will be selling a 3 gun cabinet as soon as the new one arrives (any interest?). Hope I can squeeze the air pistols in too!


Thought I would bring this up in this forum as no-one I've talked to has been aware of this.

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There has been a thread in the Airgunners section on this topic, but it could do with a wider airing.


The thing that fascinates me, is how are they going to effectively communicate the new law to all those "casual" airgun owners.

I know loads of country people that have the , almost obligatory, airgun propped up behind their backdoor (where the 12bore use to be), to keep the magpies off the bird table.


Also the requirement on security seems to be based around preventing under 18 year olds access to the airgun(s).

One interpretation is that you don't have to put the airguns in a security cabinet, just a "safe" place.

Is the fact that no under 18's lawfully enter a property, mean that you can still leave them behind the backdoor ?

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I would think this is just to appease the masses and allow an easy prosecution if "little Jonny" is found playing with dads airgun previously there was little the law could do, now its an easy case as it the adults responsibility to secure it, some have suggested a steel cable or chain through the trigger guard to a lock is enough or perhaps a trigger lock and kept out of reach I think the sales of "gun clamps" may increase and your old no longer suitable for FAC or shotgun cabinet has just found a ready market.


Hopefully while this will inconvenience some shooters it will prevent the number of "airgun accidents" and the inevitable bad press it brings to the shooting community, it does raise a few questions about juniors and some of the younger forum members but this is catered for in the legislation. If you search for incidents with airguns it makes scary reading in my opinion more so than Mr Bird........


However James MArchington does make some good points in his blog especially considering some recent threads, should all parents or those who have children visit have to lock up their car keys, lighter, kitchen knives, general tools?

Edited by HDAV
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Shouldn`t this have been common sense in the first place? it amazes me that a law has to be passed in the first place to make people realise oooh air rifles dangerous must keep away from youngsters? This one isn`t a case of nanny state, it is a case of airgun owners having no common sense.


And before anyone jumps on it i don`t mean all airgun owners don`t have common sense.

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I saw this comming two years ago when we suddenly had what seemed like an upsurge in accidents/missuse of airwepons, so I brought another cabinet.

I have no under eighteens in the house now and if any did visit they would`nt be allowed near the gunroom.


It`s all common sense stuff and if you are an Fac/Sgc holder you are already safety concious of how you store guns/ammo, as mentioned if there are rules in place and someone breaks them then it is easier to prosecute.


New guns sold will have a safety leaflet inside, existing owners, well down to us, as responsable shooters to spread the word I think.

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