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safe backstops?


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i'm not an fac holder and not thinking of applying anytime soon either really but I'd like to learn a bit more about them just in case i ever do want to. I shoot pigeons and crows over some land that has plenty of roe and reds along with rabbits, hares and fox on it. The farmer has said that someone else occasionally shoots deer there but the land has a wildlife trust nature reserve along two sides of it. As people could be walking around this nature reserve at any time how do you go about making sure your shot is safe. There is a bit of a raised bank between the fields and the nature reserve but would that be enough to make for a safe shot?


As I said I'm not really thinking of applying for fac but wondered what you guys constitute as a safe backstop.

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I shoot on some ground that has some public access in the way of footpaths and a bridal way. The only way forward was to install a high seat,this means the shots are going into the ground but even with this precaution you have to very vigilant,people are not always were they are meant to be, their pets too. It I hear walkers or horses I will not discharge my rifle, even though its moderated ( makes ya cuss if a deer is in the cross hairs ) as even the report from a moderated 243 can be very startling to the unsuspecting ear or dangerous to the horse rider.

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I know the area you are on about quite well. I have for the last decade shot and managed the deer on similar land next to the other nature reserve. I use high seats in various locations which have proved to be deer hotspots over the years. They are ideal and safe when you are hunting over very flat land.

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High seats are often portable being errected the evening before and gone again by mid morning. Some ground and calibres might be ok just shot from sticks standing other ground and guns need a heck of a deal more care, i am sure someone local with the relivent experiance and an open FAC might be glad of the chance to shoot the ground and show you first hand

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High seats are often portable being errected the evening before and gone again by mid morning. Some ground and calibres might be ok just shot from sticks standing other ground and guns need a heck of a deal more care, i am sure someone local with the relivent experiance and an open FAC might be glad of the chance to shoot the ground and show you first hand

Your right there kent, you put em up in the evening and they are gone by mid morning thats why ya need a good chain and lock,unless its one of my homemade wooden ones, for some reason they are not so collectable. :lol:

In my experience its best to put em up and leave em a while for the deer to get used to it. One evening its there smelling of human, the next morning there's a new shape sat in the top of it,if you have shot any deer yet you will know one major thing, deer aint stupid.

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