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Fox Pro


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Scorpion, has been varied.


First few outings, up high seats etc. went well and foxes ran in even before last light. Then with the lamp it worked well as you can either set it in a field 100+ from where you are and set it calling or just use it on the motor.

It isn`t infallible as we had problems with some cubs, yet called old dogs in with just a mouth squeak. Best result IMO was an older cub that was in the field when his sibling was shot, he wouldn`t come in or stay still until we changed the call to a chicken distress, it was close to a free range chicken shed, then he came in to range and stopped, for the last time.

Awful lot of money unless you see dividends from it :yes:

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I have the Fox Pro Scorpion (the expensive one!) conclusion after owning it almost a year - very impressed with it although there are perhaps over 100 sounds that are irrelavent to fox shooters.


I never go foxing unless I get a request. I start my foxing around mid June when the commercials start getting their birds in which usually coincides with a phone call to me. I dont do much more foxing past October. Last year shot 91 - previous year (without the Fox Pro- 53 ) I know some will say £400+ is a lot of money when cheaper ones are available or even the dodge of using a ring tone of a phone. For those not familiar with this caller - you can put it out about 215 yds from your remote. Once out there, you can switch it on/off change the call to another sound, increase/decrease volume and perhaps equally important pause it if you see a fox (a fox is said to be able to pin point a sound from over 400 yds away within 2 yards)


I use mine with night vision shooting either out of the window or off the bonnet. I usually put the caller at about 40 degrees to the truck so that a fox does not associate the truck with the sound. Of all the sounds (about 200 plus you can download your own) I find the horseshoe hare the best but have had great success with vole, distressed rat and even guinea pig. When I have got to my field at dusk, I sometimes have a bit of fun by putting the magpie sound on - my best result (but not shooting them) was 6 magpies on top of a round bale with the caller at the base. Come the Spring my new custom 20 tac will sort them out!!


I have had foxes run past me from behind to get to the caller down the field - with good night vision it is a deadly combination. To tell you the truth, sometimes I feel guilty that I am somehow cheating - but it soon passes when the next fox appears!! Shooting Charley off this forum has been out with me a few times - ask him what he thinks of the Fox Pro.

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what calls on it do you find best Henry? only had mine a short while and limited success so far. But most of the ones at this time of year round me are pretty well educated


Jackrabbit = Hare distress & the rabbit distress particularly `lil rabbit (I think thats the call name).

The chicken calls/distress work well with those foxes that live near free range sheds. The fox barks sound too quiet, but I have never tried them, so can`t comment on whether they work.


However, I`m sure that the guinea pig calls will stop a shy fox as it is so odd, as I`m sure will the other ones like turkeys etc.

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All very interesting, anyone managed to get one from the US ?


A friend has also said try the Spitfire, it looks like it is the cheapest of the range ( £200 )

half the price of the Scorpion. But would i be wasting my money on it ?


I like the idea of the remote control, seems a very good idea putting the call in position and you with rifle on a vantage point.

Edited by roebuck270
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I`ve got the FX5.


Bought mine direct from Fox-Pro with no problems at all.Did have an £84 import charge,but still worked out cheaper than buying over here.


Their customer support is second to none.Charger didn,t work and a new one was shipped out...although this came by overland post as opposed to air mail for the original unit.


As with any form of fox calling..nothing works 100% of the time.Remember,foxes get call shy as well as lamp shy.


But when they do work,it is impressive.


Had a dog fox actually sniffing the caller 1 night whilst playing (Fox Rally) that,s a 1 for you to try HD.

Been the downfall of lots of dog foxes as it,s a vixen call.Had a few Vixens with it too,territorial thing i think.


Woodpecker Distress is also useful for something different.


Most useful at cubbing time is fox cub distress.This actually allows you to take out cubs 1st and then draw the vixen in.


I too use mine in cojunction with NV mostly and occasionally with the lamp,the fact you can put the caller away from you and therefore out of the foxes line of vision is it,s best feature for me.


They are a great tool,just don,t expect every fox in the neighbourhood to come running,otherwise you,ll be wondering why you spent so much money.

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