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Fox in the snow


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The snow in January gave me a good chance to see the fox trails and rabbit runs on my land, I found a comfy place in the V of a tree and waited for a rabbit to come out of a large warren. Out of the corner of my eye I saw this fox with its nose to the ground weaving in and out of the bushes. It was so focused on a scent it didn't know I was there until it was 15yds away, as soon as it stopped I gave it a load of No6 in the head, it didn't even twitch. Shotgun included for scale, he was a whopper.


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nice big fat winter fox there i have only taken 1 fox with a shotgun a couple of years back now its hard work with the 12g. good going


I always carry a couple of 3" 54g AAA shells in case I spot charlie in the woods, but in this case any movement would have spooked him so I couldn't remove the No6 and reload, he was close enough for me to put all the birdshot into his brain - job done.

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