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Legal Enquiry


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I have just had a look at the Natural England website and read the General License for 2011 (I know, Its a quiet day :blush: ) . It mentions that an 'authorised person' must use a semi-automatic weapon.


"(ii) Authorised persons acting under subparagraph (2)(i) above:

(a) to use a semi-automatic weapon;"


Their definintion of a semi-automatic is as follows,


16. “semi-automatic weapon” means any weapon which is not prohibited by section 5 of the Firearms Act 1968 as amended and which has a magazine capable of holding more than two rounds of ammunition, where the depression of the trigger discharges a single shot and reloads the next, each subsequent shot requiring a further depression of the trigger.


I dont want to be asking daft questions, but does this mean that I cant use a 12g o&u to shoot pigeons legally???

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Simply put, it is an offence to shoot any bird with an auto that holds more than 2 carts in the magazine.


However, the GL authorises the use of such guns under the it's terms and conditions.


Yeah, this.


The law basically states that it's illegal to shoot birds (that can otherwise be legally shot) such as Wildfowl and game, but it's illegal to do so with a Semi-automatic that has a magazine capacity larger than 2. This part of the act states that shooting pest species is an exception to the rule and it's legal to shoot them with a Semi-automatic with more than a magazine capacity of 2.

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