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Help with trap wiring


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Ok i hope someone can help, i have limited knowledge of this device, but i have been asked to have a look at the trap someone else has already had a go at, and i believe they have connected this device in such a way that it has took the full load of the motor, which draws 9.9amp, 24v dc and the device has according to spec 400ma load.


This proximity switch tracks the location of the carousel and trap arm, without this with finger on button trap will just keep going round.I believe these switches are widely used in machine tool and computerized machine operation.


My questions are:

1. how does this device sense where arn is ( magnectic or something)?

2. how would i wire this back into the circuit correctly?

3. where can i get new switch from? i have searched net and emailed makers as their web site says discontinued item.


I think in relation to question 2 that the switch may have to trigger a low load relay coil and the motor then across the contacts of the relay, what do you think?


here are a couple of pics one is the switch and one is how i have wired the control box so far...... your thoughts on this please, am i ok with this?


In advance thanks for any help

regards geoff

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wow ... seems complex, the ones I've seen use microswitches.

if its of UK manufacture. how about calling the maker.

Promatic and Laporte have their manuals on-line


Thanks i think thats gonna have to be option, this is a really old trap, but they say they like it. ( i dont like change comes to mind lol)

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You don't say what make the trap is but over the years I have bugged Promatic, Bowman and Anglian with silly technical questions and they have all been incredibly helpful and happy to advise. Of course, if it is a Laporte you might find different as they are Frenchies... :D I If it is a Farey, unfortunately they have disappeared, but one of their people has started his own company called Silver Fox.


PS forgot to say, another vote here for RS Components, I'm sure they would have something similar, if not try Farnells.

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The info for the sensor is there mate!!.

It's a capacitance sensor with a very limited range,it works by sensing changes in capacitance when an object passes within it's field.

The fact that the field range is small and the way in which it mounts could just mean that the sensor has moved or been moved out of it's range so try adjusting it first.If that doesn't help then there are various ways of testing it but you would need to acquire the right equipment (not worth it for one sensor)for a replacement I would google both capacitance and capacitive sensor.

Also while you're at it google Bipolar transistors so you know the meaning of NPN and PNP types and the directions of current flow.

Hope this's helped.


Edited by Magus69
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thanks for all your help chaps, i have spoken to a chap today that works at elecricaol wholesalers and he knows how to connect these things so he is going to take a look at it for club next week. he explained to me the same as last post unit give of field and detects things going through the field. also he said it may require another relay.

so i am gonna leave it to him and learn from him hopefully.

once again thanks everyone :good:


bye the way make of trap not known, i asked club sec today

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