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When do you introduce a pup to rats, rabbits ect???


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In my experience they are natural killers...my border had a mouse when he was 6weeks old and now he is 18months he regularly has squirrels and rabbits...


Just be very careful with rats-I would suggest wait until at least 6months for rats as you don't want the terrier to get bitten which could injure them or induce a fear of rats...


But I am no terrier expert by a long way!

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Thanks for that ive heard people introduce them at 12 weeks!

Hi the best way to enter the dog to rats is wait until the dog at least has his adult teeth. I personnally would wait until the dog is 12 months old as the rat is a formidable quarry well capable of inflicting serious damage to a terrier and spoiling it. Don,t forget the dog needs to develop all his muscles etc before working. More potentially good dogs are ruined by seeing quarry too soon. Once the dog is ready try and get it out ratting with another experienced terrier and it will soon get exited and be raring to go.

Please for the dog's sake under no circumstances even contemplate entering it to rat at 12 weeks old.

The other thing to remember is that Border terriers can be late to enter to quarry because of their steady nature. Never try and force the dog if at first it doesn,t want to know leave it and try again in a couple of months.

Edited by steveyb
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Hi the best way to enter the dog to rats is wait until the dog at least has his adult teeth. I personnally would wait until the dog is 12 months old as the rat is a formidable quarry well capable of inflicting serious damage to a terrier and spoiling it. Don,t forget the dog needs to develop all his muscles etc before working. More potentially good dogs are ruined by seeing quarry too soon. Once the dog is ready try and get it out ratting with another experienced terrier and it will soon get exited and be raring to go.

Please for the dog's sake under no circumstances even contemplate entering it to rat at 12 weeks old.

The other thing to remember is that Border terriers can be late to enter to quarry because of their steady nature. Never try and force the dog if at first it doesn,t want to know leave it and try again in a couple of months.


A lot of good sense there, especially the bit in bold print. :good:

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I like you shunned the idea of letting it used to rats at 12 weeks, far too young, again thanks it'll not be serious ratting just about barns at home , but totally agree about not rushing things. Personally id want it trained first so i can control it(to a certain degree) allowing it time to mature and develop.


Thanks for the advise :)

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