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Calling foxes where there a no rabbits!


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curiosity should get the better of them. good luck


This is true especially if you use a squeeker that is not too loud. Under these circumstances I would be inclined to try the good old mirror and polystyrene first to mimic a distressed rodent!

Good luck with your endeavours mate, let us know how you get on!

Edited by Frenchieboy
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I arrived and within 200 yards of driving onto the farm a fox ran infront if the car in broard daylight. Within an hour i had need 8 foxes! It was dusk and there were several people walking their dogss


I went to another of my shoots to have a walk around so it would be dark when I went after the foxes I quickly bagged 3 bunnies to use as bait. I went back to the first farm and flashed the lamp over the field were I had seen 3 foxes earlier on. I was met by pair.s of eyes! It turned out to be 4 roe and 2 foxes. I started to squeek using my foxcalluk. The foxes just sat and looked in my direction. I would say they were about 80 yards away.


I cycled the bolt on the rifle and using a bit of pipe lagging foam I ripped from the piece i was using as a rest over the drivers window and used it on the window to try and call them in. All this time it was raining lightly then as I was gettingh comfortable the heavens opened!!!


The rain made it impossible to see as the light form the lamp refracted off everything and my scope lense was covered in droplets.


It does look promising for duture visits though! Whats even better is that it is less than 1/4 of a mile from my house :) There are hundreds of pigeons there but the old lady who owns the farm has asked me not to shoot them as one of her friends feeds them everyday with corn bought from another farmer!


As I am new to fox shooting with a lamp (I have used NV in the past on a CF and didnt need to call them in) Im not sure about the best way to go about it.



- Do I call constantly or call then wait?

- How loud should i be calling? the caller i was using can go very loud but the foxes were only at 80 yards and just seemed to sit and watch me.

- I assume i should be downwind and only use the lamp to stot them and shine it above their heads so i just catch the eyes.


It was pretty tricky as i was on my own and using a crappy handheld lamp. I have a scope mounted LF 170 on its way to me that i am going to fit a dimmer too.


Im toying with the idea of making up a roof mount for the truck using suction cups.


Any help would be really appreciated!

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As above, I wouldn't sqeak at all if they are in shooting range and sitting still - you will only spook them.


If you use a call - start quietly as you may have one close by, starting on full loudness could spook it away.


I tend to get myself into a good vantage point where I can scan several fields with reasonable elevation offering safe shooting, scan around - if nothing around then start the calling, remember to look behind you as well - the amount of time we have been glued to a fox in the distance, to turn around and have one right behind us!!


A call won't work 100% , none will - so have a bag of tricks and experiment!


Good luck.

Edited by Devon Fox
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I've seen urban foxes knocking about and tried to squeak them just for fun to see their reaction and nothing just stand there motionless like wot the hell is that lol. But as long as it's on a farm in the country I'm sure that they will know what the sound of a squealing rabbit is.

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