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Ferreting over?


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Was out ferreting today for a couple of hours and noticed a few young rabbits; 1 hole in particular there was a rabbit came out that was barely a couple of weeks old and also one of the does we shot had 6 rabbits in her that weren't too far away from being born. That will do me for ferreting for the season, the mild weather in the last couple of weeks has obviously encouraged the rabbits to start (eh breeding like rabbits :blush: ), roll on the long summer evenings to start with the .22lr. Has anyone else noticed young while out ferreting and have you stopped ferreting yet?

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Why do you boys stop when there in young I have always cracked on till the nettles are too bad.


Cheers Cookie


The reason I stop is because the rabbits around our area are generally in control so my ferreting is for sport. Also when the weather gets warmer I will be out with the rifle keeping there numbers in check. If I kept on ferreting with young ones in the holes I would be risking losing the ferrets as some of the areas I ferret can't be dug (holes too deep going into hillsides or limestone areas).

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Why do you boys stop when there in young I have always cracked on till the nettles are too bad.


Cheers Cookie


There are some rabbits in my area, but nowhere near the levels when I moved here 10 years ago. I remember taking 12 nice bunnies with an HW95K .22 in less than an hour on a sunny summer evening - the numbers aren't there to do that now.

So pest-control situation is now 'under control' and I try to avoid shooting does to conserve stocks if nothing else.

Whilst there are no new diggings and I'm taking a tithe of the local populations, I figure the rabbits are being managed, rather than eradicated.

If I wipe them all out, I'll have nothing for the pot.


To be fair, I do have some permissions where there is a 'zero-tolerance' policy, which I adhere to as best I can.




Cheers all,


Duncan :P

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