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Rem. SPS


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I'm going to buy a .17 Fireball, well I think so, but the choice is limited. Seems the only affordable option is a Remington SPS. The importers only have the varmint in stock at present but I'm waiting to hear if and when they expect any with a sporter barrel which is what I would prefer.


So to my question.


What do you SPS user think of them. How do you find the stocks and whats accuracy like with both the factory stock and has it really been improved with an after market stock and if so which one. The sporter and varmint come with different stocks, so comments on both appreciated. I know where there is a cracking custom job but it's at least double the money and I can't afford it, mores the pity.


What I'm after is a light weight rifle that may eventually replace my HMR and complement my heavy .204.


Thanks in advance



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I've got one in .223 with the sporter barrel and it is an ideal weight, easy to carry and its a functional gun. Build quality is good and I've never had a problem with it ok it doesn't feel like an expensive rifle but it does what its meant to. Stock and accuracy wise I can't really comment as I bought mine with the trigger done and replacement stock fitted. I've got a hogue stock on it with aluminium bedding block etc feels nice and not much flex etc and really the important bit is it shoots very nice groups.

I think all you can do with the 700's is buy and use them and go from there, lots shoot very well straight out of the box with the perk if you want to play it won't cost you a fortune to do so

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I bought an SPS varmint in 22-250 last year. The stock is not very good in my view. Initially I beefed it up by gluing carbon fibre arrow shafts into the forend. Then I found an HS Precision stock at a very affordable price so I swapped it over. The metal finish is pretty crude. A thing of beauty it aint, but accuracy with some worked up reloads is very impressive and they are cheap for what you get. They are very heavy though given they gave a 26" varmint barrel. The trouble with Remington is they often have issues with quality control. I worked in a gunshop where we had dozens of Remingtons. After buying my 22-250 we got another 22-250 in stock and the muzzle crown was bulged out. I have never seen anything like it and I doubt it would shoot worth a damn like that. We had others which had problems with the bolt release and another one which looked like someone had hit the bolt face with a hammer. They should never have left the factory. If you do buy one inspect it carefully before you part with the cash. Something else you might want to bear in mind is the rumour that the 17 Fireball is going to be dropped by Remington. I can't confirm this, but give how few they probably sell in the UK you may not have too many options with a calibre like 17 Fireball which doesn't exactly sell in big quantities.

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Thats a quick positive reply from you Alex.


I've a Remington LVSF in .243 which I'm very happy with. It shoots straight and I played with the trigger and it's more than good enough for me.


I'm pleased to hear that you are happy with the Hogue as that's the affordable option should I change the stock. My worry is that many write ups slate the factory stock and I was interested to know if any users get on with it and therefore keep the cost down. The SPS is getting on for £700 now and add to that a replacement stock and you're getting near the realms of a semi custom job. It's difficult to know which way to jump.

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