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First doe of the year

henry d

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Went for a stalk on my own ground as I hadn`t been out for a GOOOOOOD while and started off near a burn where I parked my motor near a dung pile :sick:

I had hoped that it would be nice and quiet, however there was a JCB in a distant field where I had been intending to go and the worky was just off across the fields and home. Things weren`t too bad as there are other rough patches and hedges that any roe can lie down in and enjoy the unseasonal, but welcome sun.

After 600 yards I could see into the next field and there looked to be some white rumps in there, quick scan and I ID`d them as roe and started to get into stalk mode. They were in line and the burn with it`s trees helped keep any movement, even though they were 800yds away down to a minimum.

At 400yds I had to cross a fence and they were walking at right angles to me and if I wasn`t quick they might escape into a field I had no permission on, unless I ask prior to going there. There was a hump in the field between us and if I was quick I could move sharpish and intercept them with a long shot.

I got half way to the place I thought I could get a shot off and got up enough to have a look and they had obliged by turning and they were coming back towards me :D


I got into position by the steep side of the burn and poked my head up, they were 150yds away and there were 3 does and a buck (cracking head and earmarked for later !) so I calmed myself and lay out waiting the right shot on the right beast.

They were now at 100yds and wouldn`t deviate from walking straight at me line abreast, so I had a look and chose what seemed to be the smallest doe and then they all stopped.

I thought, probably rightly, I had been rumbled so I got onto her and chose a head shot. She toppled and the rest scarpered, so I waited until they were out of sight before I moved and found she was 18months or so old and in top condition, so the largest doe must have been a belter. The caul fat was all over her innards and kidneys were covered in fat and she was pregnant, but not too far on.


Looking forward to tasting her as there will be little waste.


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