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Pigeon Adam

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Hi everyone,


Have a side by side at the moment with very little engraving on it. Would like to get something personal engraved onto the metalwork along the sides. Was just wondering if anyone had done this? And is it just a case of taking it to a local person that also engraves trophies?


Thanks for the advice in advance.


Kind Regards


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Probably metal harder than a trophy? but I've seen work done by a jeweller that was excellent, so probably more about the right tools and experience.

Guess it depends what you want and are willing to pay?

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A Century ago, engraving was one of the poorest paid of all the 'Gun Trades'. Today it is another matter. Indeed the Rolls Royce Syndrome applies. If you have to ask 'How Much' then you can't afford it.


Engraving firearms is a skill that few possess. Firstly if the action is hardened, then it has to be annealed to soften the metal in order that it can be engraved. Once the engraving has been done, then the metal has to be re heat treated and that's something you cannot do at home. It is also a very skilled process.


A local sports trophy shop may have a pantograph engraving machine, but they are only suitable for cheap soft metal trophies not firearms.


If your set on having a little engraving done, then start thinking of having a spare One Thousand Pounds in order to have your action annealed, a little engraving carried out, and re-hardening. Bear in mind that annealing and re-heat treating can warp your action making it useless, unless the person doing it is thoroughly conversant with such work, and skilled in carrying it out. If they are, then the work they do, doesn't come cheap.


If you must have a firearm with a lot of engraving, then sell what you have and buy one already engraved. It'll be much cheaper in the long run.



Edited by Rifleman01
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