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Alternative feed for holding phesant and partridge

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Don't think anything is as cheap as wheat. Its really all you need TBH. I was speaking to a keeper on a big commercial shoot who told me they used to feed some split maize with the wheat and the birds loved it, they stopped though two years ago and it has made no diiference to returns. If the birds don't get it they don't miss it.


I have also heard a keeper managed to source some rice which was cheap and successful but it was a one off and could not be aquired at low cost again.

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As above what is the best then later in the season mix some maize up with it. Good idea to put some small bales of straw around where your pheasants are and spread a couple of buckets of feed on top each morning they love it unless you have a spinner of some descroption that goes on the back of a quad ect they love finding there own food on the ground.

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