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4/10 pistol


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From the police firearms guidance:


Section 4 of the 1997 Act allows the

possession and use of shot pistols in calibres

.410 and 9mm rimfire, provided that such a

pistol is “subject to a condition that it is only

for use in connection with the shooting of

vermin” (see Appendix 3 for the exact

wording of the condition which covers these

circumstances). This exemption was intended

mainly for pest controllers who may need to

use a firearm of this kind in farm buildings,

farmyards and similar areas where use of

a conventional shot gun would be

inappropriate, for example fruit cages

or near release pens.

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Not when air rifle, .410 gun or tbh a sack and a hammer, would be more approriate.

Then, once you've shot all the tame ones that volunteer to sit and wait at a handy 3 metres and wait patiently for the BANG!, you could maybe hit them at 5 or 6 metres, even 30m with an air rifle and make almost no noise.

Cheaper slugs too.



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If you cant work that out for yourself I suspect the Firearms Liason Officer is not going to credit you with sufficient intelligence to sanction your permit. :yes:


First we have members wanting to shoot on remembrance sunday in ear shot of a memorial service then one who wants to know which calibre air rifle to use on a fox then those who want to buy wheat to entice pigeons into feild then someone who wanted to decoy and shoot them on pasture...and now.....


God help us... ;)

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