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Can the council do this?

Guinea Fowl

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Since you are a bailiff then Welsh1, can I ask you to comment on the fees being charged to Guinea Fowl


Taking into consideration the debt claimed and court costs, how have the charges risen so high when a first visit, (no levy) has a maximum allowable fee to be charged. You should know the amount.


Sounds like obtaining money by deception to me.

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Since you are a bailiff then Welsh1, can I ask you to comment on the fees being charged to Guinea Fowl


Taking into consideration the debt claimed and court costs, how have the charges risen so high when a first visit, (no levy) has a maximum allowable fee to be charged. You should know the amount.


Sounds like obtaining money by deception to me.



Why do you want me to comment on the fees?i gave an initial free bit of advice and pointed the op in the right direction, and now you want me to comment on a case that i know very little about,i can understand that you have had run ins with bailiffs in the past,but please don't make it personal with me,you know the amount charged by a bailiff for a first visit,so why ask me?( its £24.50 for those that don't know)


I see the op is being looked after by some capable persons on the consumer forums,so lets not snipe at each other,we do not have the full facts,and it would be foolish to make assumptions until those facts were presented.


And just to set the record straight i work as a High Court Enforcement Officer,but i still hold a valid Bailiff certificate,and do occasional bailiff work,and have been a Bailiff for over 15 years,and yes i used to collect council tax and NNDR (business rates)

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I wasn't sniping, I was asking you as a bailiff what the fees were so that the OP could see he was being ripped off (based on information given so far)

Coming from a bailiff it would add credibility to his case.


Sorry if you have taken this to heart but its one of my pet hates seeing people done over by 1st, Councils and then secondly, bailiffs called in to do the Councils dirty work.


Its like the Justice system says, Ignorance is no excuse.....but some of those who work within the system sure use it to get their own way.


As you say, the OP should now have enough help to point him the right way so I will leave it at that.

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Sorry Sprackles,i didn't mean to have a dig at you,have driven 400 miles today,and my brain is still in motorway mode,i appreciate that you were only trying to help the op. :good:


I agree there are idiots out there in my profession that give us all a bad name,and as far as i am concerned they can take a long run off a big cliff.

The op needs to work on the council as they hold all the strings,but councils are notoriously slow at realising their mistakes.

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Well today she went in the council offices and spoke to some one on the desk they got the details and said the account was closed then she said about £72 outstanding then so she said she was quite happy to pay this amount today and then the matter could be closed. The woman was nice and then she phoned recovery so i was sat there on the phone to this department. So she told her the story and then offered to pay the outstanding amount before charges were incurred. She then followed up saying the debt is now £148 then court charges on top then the bailiffs costs adding up too £269.20.

By now its confused the heck out of her why they can say one thing one day and something different the next. So it was discussed the point we never received a letter at our new address and she said they do not have to send it there my last known address was sufficiant to send a court order too and that after this they have done a trace to find her ( why they could not have done this previous i dont know). So she then spoke to her superior and she was very arrogant and made her feel like a child because she did not have post redirected after moving and told her this. She offered to pay the £148 and she refused to close the case so she did not pay then after more discussing said that she would not pay the bailiffs and they would not get in our home so it would be best to do this but she would not budge, so then said about paying £10 a week to them for the full amount and she said no she must pay the bailiffs so ended the conversation as she had to pick our daughter up from school.

The bailiff did come round and i did not let him in the guy was actually o.k with me and said to phone the council, the letter is a final notice 24hrs and says it's a final opportunity to pay the bailiff by instalments andwith a total of 269.20 plus costs and it will incur a statutory fee for him to do the paperwork , if not then it will go to the enforcement bailiffs who will attend the property to obtain full payment or remove goods

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Yes but whatever the rights there are a lot of bully boy baliffs out there who love the sense of power it gives them. There was a story a while back about a bloke who had his car "repossesed" because of speeding camera tickets incurred by the previous owner. He went to police, citzens advice everybody said they are not allowed to do that, but they had. He never did get it back.

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