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Cobra Gen 1 Night Vision


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Having started a thread on here about night vision, I got some good advice and I bought the Cobra unit and day scope attachment with deben mini gun light and IR filter.


So far Ive only attached it on my .22 in the house and switched the lights off to see how it worked but I cant seem to get any kind of image from the scope through the NV unit other than a green fuzz. The NV unit on its own seems pretty good in my limited testing.


Anyone added one of these units to a day scope and can offer me some advice on how to set it up. The instructions that came with it were about the worst Ive ever seen and dont say anything about how to adjust your scope!

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First off what scope are you using? it will make a big difference to what you can see it need to have parallax’s adjustment to get the best out of the night vision, second you need to be outside on a rest preferably, turn on the night vision then adjust the focus on the night vision until you have a image then adjust the parallax’s on the scope until you have a nice image and can see the cross hairs job done.




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I've got 3 scopes that potentially will use it, 2 with parallax adjustment. 2 leos and a cheapy hawke on which ive been testing it.


So perhaps me wandering around the house in the dead of night with the scope to my eye isn't the best approach!!


Just didn't want to take it out an spend an hour faffing with it but if that's what's required, I'll give it a go.


Lowest mag setting to start with?

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I've got 3 scopes that potentially will use it, 2 with parallax adjustment. 2 leos and a cheapy hawke on which ive been testing it.


So perhaps me wandering around the house in the dead of night with the scope to my eye isn't the best approach!!


Just didn't want to take it out an spend an hour faffing with it but if that's what's required, I'll give it a go.


Lowest mag setting to start with?



Yes that’s it i am afraid you need to get to know it, It will get better as you spend time using it, that’s why i say put it on a rest as it is easier that way, when you know the settings you can just set up any time.



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The Cobra will not work with fixed parallax scopes, as you won't be able to see the reticule clearly.For added IR, I use a scope mounted Blaserlite lamp with a IR filter attached. This combination allows me to clearly see quarry at up to 200+ yards.




Steve just out of interest what scope do you use.



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I set them up like this:


With the monocular off the gun adjust the rear lens until any black specks on the image are sharp and clear-don't worry about whether what you are looking at is in focus as long as the specks on the tube are crisp. The rear lens can be left alone as its focussed so you can see the tube-I tape mine up so it can't be ******** about with.


Unscrew the front lens so it sticks out as far as possible and then back off a touch, put it into your scope adaptor and tighten.

The crosshair image should be quite near to being clear but the front lens may need a bit of adjustment to get them really sharp.


The scopes objective/sidewheel is then used to focus to the distance you are shooting.


In short-The rear lens focuses the tube for your eye, the front lens focuses the crosshair for the tube and the scopes adjustment gets the image clear for the distance you are shooting.


The third and possibly the second stage won't work inside unless you have a super big lounge, hope this all makes sense.

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The Cobra will not work with fixed parallax scopes, as you won't be able to see the reticule clearly.For added IR, I use a scope mounted Blaserlite lamp with a IR filter attached. This combination allows me to clearly see quarry at up to 200+ yards.


I use my Cobra with a WTC 3.5-10 X 50, which is fixed PX, and it is excellent out to the limit of the IR laser, also one of the best ever scopes for the Cobra was the Falcon Menace 10 X 42, again fixed PX.


The Cobra needs a fair amount of IR light to work properly, so with the built in IR you can get good results out to 30yds, or with an IR illuminator you get out to 70-100yds, but to make full use of them you need an IR laser, or a strong light with IR filter.

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OK, so I followed the instructions above and Im getting better results but still cant get the cross hairs as visible as I would like. Am I expecting too much or is it more likely to be because I'm trying this on my worst scope? (A high end Hawke but still a Hawke)


As well as the fixed parallax scope list above, can anyone else tell me a good quality scope they have that works well with this NV?

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It took a while to get mine working but..


As already advised, use the lowest mag.

Set your PX close in, without the cobra, for the sake of getting it working try a wall in your back garden (10yds was where I got mine working).


Fit the cobra as instructed above, and adjust the focus on the Cobra (read fiddle about)until you see something using the on board IR.


The ret is not always crystal, but this is very depedent on the scope coatings, and the thickness of the ret.


Once you get something visible it is a matter of tweaking the front ring for coarse control, and the back ring for fine tuning.



My Cobra has worked well on a Richter 6-24, WTC 3.5-10, Simmons Pro hunter 6-18 (by far the best I have found) and a Bushnell Legend 5-15, it does not work nearly as well on my Falcon Menace 4.5-18 and I can't use it on my Bushnell Elite 6500 4.5-30, so it is a little hit and miss, and it seems to work better on the lower end scopes, but this is only my experience.


It did not really start to work until I bought the IR laser, but I knew it would work as I had been out with the guy who supplies them and seen it for myself.

His advice, for a px scope, was to set it up for 50yds then it was usable for anything out to 75yds, and this was true, but I found with the WTC it was good as far as the laser would illuminate, even on 10x.



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I've tried my Cobra on fixed parallax scopes, and found them to be not suitable, as I cannot clearly see the reticule (at least not as I would like)

When mounted on a scope, it is a matter of tweaking the Cobra and scope until you get the clearest picture.

As mentioned previously, I use a scope mounted lamp with IR filter. This is an excellent set up.

I have found that it would be better to use the Cobra/rifle set up by baiting an area at a known distance, rather than walking around the fields etc.

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I've tried my Cobra on fixed parallax scopes, and found them to be not suitable, as I cannot clearly see the reticule (at least not as I would like)

When mounted on a scope, it is a matter of tweaking the Cobra and scope until you get the clearest picture.

As mentioned previously, I use a scope mounted lamp with IR filter. This is an excellent set up.

I have found that it would be better to use the Cobra/rifle set up by baiting an area at a known distance, rather than walking around the fields etc.


What scope are you using? Make and model would be good. I'm literally planning to buy from the information I get from you guys based on who is getting good results. Got a few on a short list so far!

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What scope are you using? Make and model would be good. I'm literally planning to buy from the information I get from you guys based on who is getting good results. Got a few on a short list so far!



I'm having very good results with a Nikko Sterling Mountmaster 4-12x50. Not an expensive scope, but good with the Cobra. :good:

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My known good scopes from experience are


AGS swat 3-12x42 and 4-16x56

Bushnell banner 4-12x40 and legend 5-15x40 (small picture though)

Falcon menace 7.5x??? and 10x42


Monoculars will always be **** unless you have a lot of light i.e laser or ir filtered lamp,

I have had some poor experiences with a couple leopolds just because of eye relief causing a very small field of view.

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Weird how most people claiming good results are lower end scoped! Lots to go on there. Cheers guys



A couple of issues can arise with top end scopes:


The eye relief on most cheaper scopes like my falcons is around 3" where as most leupolds seem to be somewhere between 3.5" and 5", this can lead to a kind of "tunnelled" view through the monocular because its mounted too close to the scope. Try holding a scope up too close to your eye and you loose loads of the image.


I also believe some coatings on better glass cut out IR light although have no evidence of this, I have just seen too many decent day scopes work really badly with my monoculars whilst some of the lower end stuff works excellently.



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