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Withdraw syptoms


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Hi Guys is it me or do some of you feel the same ? its sunday evening the dinners done, kids homework sorted, uniform ready, dog walked and i'm sat here with a magners in my hand feeling i wish i was out shooting ??

Also has anyone got the use of a caravan on a large stalking ground that they use , i'm only asking because that sounds like heavan , a couple of days stalking plus a takeaway and beers in the evening bliss.

Anyway moan done

All the best


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Also has anyone got the use of a caravan on a large stalking ground that they use


Yep, caravan in the middle of 3500 acres of stalking ground, the only sounds are the sheep, the ravens and the curlews. I'll be there Tuesday and Wednesday looking for my first buck of the season. I'll have beer (and whisky) but a bit too far to the nearest takeaway so will be living on bacon and egg sarnies.

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Hahahah I just thought I was the only one who got them. I won't go shooting for a week and feel like a bag head that's not had his hit for a while. Just need to get out and shoot a rifle/shotgun lol. Me and a mate know a bloke with permission in the north York moors and he's a ferreter he's not interested in shooting it even thow farmer told him last bloke shot it and was cleared for a .308 and this bloke hardly ever goes up with the ferrets so were trying to get a hold of it for a good weekend lamping and shooting early morning and that just a full weekend of shooting bunnies everywhere like a shooting gallery. Camping with beans on toast and sausages and all that would be mint.

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