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Hey guys, wasnt really sure where to put this post but i hope this is alright. I have had the rabbit trap out with carrot and some lettuce (fresh every other day) for about a month and a half now around a semi polular spot at the end of the garden but no luck! The ******* have been digging holes in the garden and from where they seem to be living must hop right past the trap, havnt had any success <_< Should i try baiting the trap with something else? Have they got better things to mucn upon? Also in the last week i have set out larsen trap out as we have endeless maggies about at the moment and they are getting all of the song birds' eggs. We has a live decoy but the damn thing escaped :oops: So i have set the trap with a couple of chicken eggs. No luck so far but should i bait it with something else and if eggs are the best should i crack them? we have trapped many maggies before but no luck this year :/ mabey im getting a little impatient but i hate looking out of the window to see an empty trap! Thanks for any advice on either of the traps :good:

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Well not owning any rifles its not overly easy for me to shoot bunny wabbits but i might just be able to go lamping (with a shotgun) one night this week and anything we shoot will go towards the larsen. Ive never seen a rabbit out where they are digging and i doubt they are in large numbers but one spot in the garden is looking a mess. I shoot with air rifles too but if i cant trapp them soon i will fence off arounf the hedge and shed they come behind... or bring in the rodenator :sly: Haha. I might try the boiled egg and if thats no good i will have to try to shoot some covids and hope a dead one might coy some in? or will that not fool them? anyway thanks for any replies :good:

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Surely a friendly p.w member would come round to deal with the wabbit problem if you dont have access to an airrifle. Dead corvid more likely to spook them :hmm: Gamekeeper always uses a rabbit head or a dead pigeon opened up a bit. Or ask locally for a live call bird. I havent had much luck with maggies this year maybe the words gone round them to watch out for easy meals in sprung cages :lol:

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try slices of white bread, inside and on top of your larsen


forget the lettuce, chip the carrot with a knife, lots around the outside of cage, bigger chips inside the cage at back, beyound the treadle plate, you'll see if they are taking the smaller chips, if no rabbits straight away, gradually reduce the amount of chips outside, more inside


once you have caught your first rabbit, remember to "wee" it (empty its bladder) over the cage, others will enter move quickly then

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With regard to the larsen a good nest of eggs (6+) in the catch compartment and one cracked on top of the call bird compartment assuming it has a solid top should do the trick. You may find that your first catch won't act as a good call bird though as magpies are territorial, may be worth sourcing one from out of the area.

Good luck :good:

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