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Knife making


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Hi, after reading and looking at lots of posts about knife making I thought I'd give it a bash. So I bought myself a kit..post-33206-0-39804200-1303336192.jpg


Then I didn't have a drill bit long enough to drill for the full length of the tang so was inspired by pic's on this site and cut my piece of wood in half, used some of the leather from the sheath in the design and stuck the piece of antler pretty much in the middle.

Bought some epoxy and clamped it all together..



Then lots of sanding and shaping to get the look and feel I wanted..




And here is the finished article, thanks for the previous knife makers for your inspiration and putting the time in to create your posts. I have really enjoyed making this, I think I've found yet another hobby!!


Got the sheath a little bit wrong - should have sewn a little nearer to the knife me thinks but having said that it looks ok and for my first go at leather work I'm pretty chuffed.


Mick :)

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thanks for the replies and positive comments lads, I am now planning my next knife, but not from a kit, I think I'll buy a blank and source the handle using different materials. I was thinking of asking the butcher for a bone I could use and add in some different hardwoods,or maybe just using different woods. Perhaps some offcuts from a joiner or window manufacturer. Any thoughts would be appreciated.


Cheers mick

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Nice knife mate :good:


Why did you get the leather from for the sheath, 'cos I'll be needing some shortly?


My first attempt at knife making is nearing completion now and I'll be posting progress pics up in the next few days. It's based on a blank and pins I bought from Antlerman - damn fine quality blade :yes::good:.



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Hi, the leather for the sheath came in the kit, I used some in the handle design and used the rest for the sheath. I have seen some leather on fleabay that might be suitable for sheaths. Have now decided to turn some old files into blades. I will update as progress allows.



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hiya tycoon,ive been messing around trying to make a few from scratch,made 5 blank,s up to now,from 01 tool steel,2 small carver,s,which i bought the blade,s for of fella,s on some forum,s,just finishing up one of the blade,s,ive only made small neck style,mainly for gutting when out shooting,so they will prob,s end up lieing in the back of the jeep in the shooting kit,it,s great fun,a lot easier if you have a decent shed and some good tool,s,ive just made a bench n stuff,but only got a tiny shed,and if you going to make em from raw steel,like 01,you def need a decent gas torch,i bought a **** one,and it wouldnt heat the steel,wasted a whole day ******* about,bought a new one and ,it only took 10 min,s,but it is very rewarding,ive only used 2mm 01 up to now,going to finish these one,s i have and try some in 3mm,01,lot,s of info on various site,s,and i bought a few bit,s of jean,,she has given me some invaluable tip,s and hints,and does a bit of tutorial,s on her web site,,will try get some pic,s of mine up later,it is adictive mind,well of for a coffee,catch you later,ian

jean,s site,ian


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