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Yep you sure can............I use one my self on my TX200HC ...but make sure you put a bit off tape on the barrel or it will scratch the blueing!! :thumbs:


They dont work for all springers though as I've tryed on a freinds BSA Lightning it was all over the place!! could not get a zero on it!!!


They clamp on the end of the barrel as Lord Geordie has said.


All the best


Buzz :)

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And shooting standing with a springer will give better accuracy than resting.

Out of curiosity I know a springer recoils somewhat but so does full bore ......WHY don't you chaps reccomend using a bi-pod :D on a springer :/


Ive :/

It is all to do with the nature of the recoil.

A full bore recoils AFTER the bullet has left the barrel, therefore any movement will not affect the aim. An air rifle (springer) recoils as the pellet is IN the barrel, due to the recoil being caused by the machanical action of the spring. This means any movement causes the pellet to go wide.

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And shooting standing with a springer will give better accuracy than resting.

sorry i missed this reply when i read this thread before, but i would have to disagree with this coment, standing shots with any rifle, other than a shot gun, are probably the hardest shots to give good accuracy. You may get one or two good shots ocasionaly but consistantly being able to hit a 2" target at 35 yards takes a huge amount of skill.


The best way to get good groupings witha springer (other than bench rested) is using the FT sitting position, it give you a nice steady hold and alows the rifle to recoil naturaly.


as for using a BI-POD (NOT A BIO POD, think that was in invasion of the body snatchers :D ) some rifle will be ok with them, others not. I would not recomend using a bipod with any spring rifle.


If you do chose to get a bipod it will need to be the type that clamps onto the barrel/under lever and is abl to just slide up and down loosly. This alows the rifle to recoil and should keep it consistant.


all the best


ROB :/

Edited by roblade
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