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Duck Hunting?

new to the flock

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we do however have a group called the Wildlife Habitat trust




In order to help raise funds they sell....guess what Stamps! and I have one which you can have as soon as it runs out, it's the Smew the face value is GBP £5 about 15 bucks in your money I guess, yours for free my friend


I have not been well enough to do the film of Astra so when I can will have to mail you the stamp as well,


cheers pavman

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The limits per spiecies works differant in the states than it does in Canada. In the US they work on a point system, so if a wood duck is worth 7 points and you are only allowed 14 points in a day you would want to shoot lower point birds. I know mallards and teal are only worth 1 or 2 points. That said some states work on straight limits of 6 birds a day or what ever the number is set at.


In Canada it changes from province to province In Ontario where I live we are allowed 6 duck a day with 12 in possession. Only one of the ducks can be a black duck. Our geese work on the same program but the limit and possession limit changes within the three goose seasons.


Hope this helps. If you are planning a trip the best thing to do is contact the state or province via the computer by doing a search for hunting regulations for that particular state or province. I believe all have the regulations on line now.




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