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i damm nearly lost a buck today

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after not being able to sleep i set of stalking at 4am and with in 10 mins of leaveing the shack i found my first buck about 20tards away on a ride so i steped back took the rifle of my shoulder on the stick stepped forward and he was looking at me i put the cross on his chest and bank, the 55grn nosler bt (off sako7mm on hear top bullets)done its thing or so i hoped

so he jumped in to the christmas trees and was gone no worries i thort at that range he wont go more than 10 yards, so i waited 5 mins then walked to the place shure their was nice pink blood and a nice thick trial, on the ground and trees,, then it just died like not a speck at all so i left hit for a while to carry on my stalk. i bumped 2 more bucks not realy looking where i was going, and went back to find him


it was about 6am by now so he was dead no doubt but it was to early to call the head keepr for a hand so i went to get my dogs, the patterdale is a handy we thing on deer, but they still couldent geta trial or find the body we looked for about 2 hours them went for lunck and a re think, tried to get head man on the team but he was buesy :oops::hmm:

by this stage i had a real sinking feeling like you do asking my self had i pulled the shot? nope thier was lung blood!

se i got the shotgun loaded with bbs and the dog and went to find what i now thort was a wouned deer, after looking at the trial for about 10 mins we walked around and around in bigger circles then about 50 tards from where we had been looking the we god shot off on a good line with determination, then came back with blood on her chin, after takeing me to it their he was stone dead blown up like a ******* whale(he had been dead 6 hours by now) so alls well that ends well if it was not for the dog i would not have found him, but what a harrible feeling not knowing ,


ive shot 217( now 18)in 4years and havent loast one ime so glad i dident start today :yes::yes:

alls well that ends well

Edited by highseas
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Light fast varmint bullets and deer chest shot at short range don't mix well, as these bullets slow they become less frangible and slightly better terminal effects can be had. I once saw a roe shot very close with the .222 and a varmint bullet big horrible surface wound hit the shoulder blade and went no further. Glad to hear it was found in the end, loosing one you know you hit sits in your mind for years (or at least it should do)

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ive always used 55s on roe but i normaly take high shoulder shots to drop them on the spot i was shooting of a single walking crook so was not realy steady enugh for a fancy shot, the bullet went all the way thrue like it does 90% of the time and was bang on the heart, he was about 40 meters up from where the blood trial went in to the trees so i was looking in the rong place to be blunt.

i would hate to lose a deer,some tennant stalkers on hear lost a red stag last year i found him about 10 days later sittng in peat hag crippled he was so buggerd i shot it at point blank, the stalkers dident even care :angry:

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Well done on finding him, it's a horrible feeling, I had one that I thought I had lost a little while ago but it just hadn't dropped where I thought he had, what a horrible feeling it gives you but the sense of relief when you find them is amazing!


I had one last year that run 60 yards and went down a very steep embankment, when he was cleaned out the shot was through the heart/lung :blink:


I also watched a buck run square on into a tree once when a friend shot him - again a good shot but it was just running on adrenalin!


A good friend of mine has always said, if you shoot enough deer you are bound to lose one eventually. . . .a horrible thing but true no matter how good the stalker.





Edited by gixer1
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I am sorry but if the dog was up to it, you would have been on it faster. Is the dog trained to blood trail and find deer? If not why not?

because the ess have never seen a deer and i think it was v poor scent after 3 hours and rain and its only a patterdale no a deer dog with ace scenting! if not why not? its a bloody terrier

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I am sorry but if the dog was up to it, you would have been on it faster. Is the dog trained to blood trail and find deer? If not why not?



Not every one who stalks has a deer dog, although a good idea it's not essential.





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