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Writing a resume

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Never be afraid to try to make your CV look a bit different. - The usual Times New Roman 10pt can get a bit repetitive.


Double, triple check your grammar and spelling. If your CV is full of mistakes you will have a much lower chance of getting an interview.


Resume is a very American way of saying it. Curriculum Vitae is a better heading. Plus, CV is derived directly from Latin ("Course of Life"), whereas Resume has passed via the French :rolleyes:


Something the PW lot are undecided on is whether to include shooting as an activity. - I'm in the 'best not to include it' clan. Just saw that it's for a keepering job.


The one I really liked for interests was 'PIES":



Which stands for:


Physical - some type of sports (team work is always really good - even kayaking you could say that you never go alone and requires good communication when heading down fast rivers etc..)


Intellectual - eg reading, but dont just put reading expand on what you like to read. I always put non-fiction as I always enjoy learning new things


Emotional - going to the movies or plays and so on


Social - dont put going to the pub each night! You could say clay shooting because its a good social place to meet people and be around friends. Also another team activity would be good here!

Edited by Billy.
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As someone who received over 140 replies to a job ad for a keeper I'd say make yourself stand out from the crowd...that is if you're any good. If you're not exceptional then I'd suggest you think about a career change as there's 100's if not 1000's of people chasing keepering jobs these days.


First thing to do is make your CV stand out from that pile of same ol' same ol' that gives a prospective employer heart palputations. Think about using a larger size of paper or a coloured paper, that should get you over the first hurdle 'cause I'll bet no emplyer is going to root through 100's of applications.


This site Resumeis worth a read as are a number of others. Make yourself aware of what you need to do to win!

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