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Gamekeeping qualifications

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Hi guys im after a career change I have been a plumber for the last 7 years and think its is now time to look into doing the job i wanted to do when I left school but at the time my parents wouldnt let me they insisted I gain a trade before doing what I wanted. I have been a part time gamekeeper on the syndicate I am in and have run that single handed for the last 6 years and am now helping out on a local game farm just to get my knowledge up on the rearing side of it. But the main question is am i going to have to go back to college to have the piece of paper to say I can do the job or will a potential employer look beyond that?


cheers Sam

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Personally i think you will struggle, Gamekeeping jobs are few and far between as it is and i think you'll find alot of people will be applying for the jobs with more experience, qualifications than you have sounds blunt i know but just being realistic!


Having worked and run a syndicate for the last 6 years would help you massivly if you could possibly find a job on a game farm that also has a shoot you could do and apprentiship. The NVQ in gamekeeping and wildlife management would be a good start and having that paper would help as you asked the question would an employer look beyond the peice of paper, i really dont think so!


I was keepering for a good few years but im now A rearing Manger for one of the largest Breeders in the UK. Personally the money in keepering is not that great especially in the position your looking to start which is why i went into rearing the moneys better i still get my own house ect and still get to go shooting.


I would keep with the plumbing and keep doing the syndicate!!!


Hope this helps!

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The job market for gamekeeping is flooded.


The best way in would be through a personal contact.


What you need otherwise is experience, and tickets (Gassing/Tractors/Chainsaw etc). Gamekeeping qualifacations aren't worth the paper they are written on at the moment.

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