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Greetings from a returnee to Shotties


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Just thought I'd better introduce myself as a reborn clay pigeon shooter.

I've been a member as an airgun enthusiast for a few years but now getting the taste for clays again...held an SGC until about 30 years ago then let it lapse due to other interests.

Went out with my Bruv-in-law to his club a couple of months ago and shot a few DTL and was instantly re-hooked!!!...put in for my SGC about a month ago but have been told it's about 12/14 weeks wait in Norfolk... :/

I'm using a Miroku 3800 Trap 30" bored out to 1/4 and 1/2 which will hopefully be mine when the licence comes through....managed to hit 20 out of 25 on Saturday with it as my best so far but I'm not saying how many of them were second barrel kills and I'm well happy with that as a result on my third outing!!


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Hello Eric,

Nice to see you again mate.





Hi Paul.... :good:


Just got back from holiday in Cyprus early hours of Wednesday and FEO came around Wednesday afternoon, (very nice chap even if my Jack Russell did try to bite him!!!.... :blink: ) so hopefully SGC not too long coming...fingers crossed here!!!



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