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Lab eats dog ****


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I have a Black Lab bitch who for some reason likes to eat my cockers *****!!!

How do i stop it from doing it, it brings a whole new meaning to doggy breath!!!!!! :lol:




i have a staff that does it, its bloody hard work to try and stop it and havent stopped it yet . Dirty dogs

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I have a bitch who does it. She sticks her snout under the other dogs tail and eats it straight out his ****. If I can stop her doing that she remembers where yesterdays is and goes and eats that cold.


Used to drive me mad, now I ignore it and don't kiss her until she has rinsed her mouth.


Tried everything from pine apple to tabasco.

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its called coprophagia and there are preparations to prevent it.

We had a german shepherd which did it, sometimes it can be a sign that the dogs lacked sufficient food in their early life, and had to get sufficient by eating once digested food.

One preparation from the vets worked for us.

Overfeeding for while may prevent it if used with an anti copraphagic treatment.

Still dogs are dirty ******** sometimes.

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