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Greenfield Gunmakers Salisbury


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I know there are many posts of a negative nature of some shops but I really have to say these guys are great.


I went there today to look at and possibly buy a gun i'd seen on Guntrader, had a nightmare journey down but finally arrived.


Walked into the shop which was very busy (a good sign :) )


I was acknowledged by the staff who were all dressed in country gear and a bit different to what I am used to, I was served quickly and said I had come to look at XYZ the guy who served me went to get the gun and brought it to the showroom and let me have a good look over it. I had taken a spacer with me that i'd bought from the US that I had spare expecting to come home and make a temporary one but he left me with the gun and headed to the workshop then came back with not only 1 but 2!! a 1\2" and a 1".


I had decided I wanted the gun and asked how flexible he was on price and went to get my P\X from the car. He looked at the 525 I was P\Xing, nothing wrong with it but it doesn't work for me. Didn't get messed about and was offered a fair price and a good deal on the P\X and the S\H i was buying.


I really recommend this place, only the first time I have been there but despite it being a PITA for me to get to I'll definitely go back there :)


No connection, just a happy customer :)



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I have a collection of guns and almost all have come from different RFD as the need arose.


Got my Rem 700 .308 from Greenfields and can say I liked the shop and the sevice...and a rather pleasant looking lady that was serving at the time! :o :yes:

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