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After 3 late nights and 2 early mornings out foxing I'm just about keeping my eyes open having had less then 10 hours sleep since Thursday. Its got me wondering when dose been tired start affecting your shooting. And I don't just mean in accuracy terms but in judgment of safe shots. So when is tired to tired. Would you feel to tired to drive but still handle a firearm??? Opinions please. Aploliges in advance if its not worded correctly I'm shatted.

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not judging but you need your wits about you with guns mate, caffiene does the trick with me.

this might be a contributing factor of your recently aquired "fear of the dark" reaching a semi dream state and your sub-concious mind having its wicked way with you?

Edited by GRAM71
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Being over-tired is akin to being under the influence. Only you can really judge just how over-tired you are.

For me the bottom line is, would I go out shooting whilst being inebriated?

'No' is the obvious answer.


IMO, if you are too tired to drive, you are too tired to be shooting.





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Nah the tiredness hasent anything to do with not liking the dark in fact it probably helps lol. I'm having the night of and as soon as the baby is in bed so will I.

Just thought I'd start this thread to see what other peoples cut off point is.

okely dokely...

my cut off point is when i can't hold the gun straight and steady, and start to lose concentration, then it's a quick snack, drink, then home.

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Sometimes it helps,i was out last night saw a fox in a pen of ducks he ran as soon as the lamp hit him so i waited for him i fell asleep for 30 mins woke up had a look through the pulsar there he was 80yards away eating a duck result dead fox.if i had stayed awake i would have moved on after 15 mins.



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On a different circumstance,

I can tell when I'm tired as when typing, like now, I'll post a reply and then notice that I have to keep going back as I've forgotten to put a space inbetween words.


just to prove my point, I had to do four edits on the above :blink:

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