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Will I get it

Sx3 clay breaker

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You should have no issue with your SGC and so long as you can prove that you need a rifle, by means of land or a target club, you should get that granted too.


Only talk about your anxiety if you're asked during your interview - if you did go to the doctors about it, best to put it on your application.

Edited by Billy.
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Im sixteen and have had a SGC for the past 5 years. You can be granted an SGC and FAC; the guns will have to be gifted to you. Its alright with shotguns but you may have to have a word with a friendly RFD about how to work it if your dad doesn't have any spare slots on his FAC :\ Lincolnshire FLD are ok about juniors and SGC; but got fussy about me having an FAC so I didn't bother, I just borrow however i'm going shooting with's.





*Pm me if you've questions about the licensing thing; my dad and I have been through it all and we're in a similar position to you

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Thank you edr if I get my fac and I have a 22 slot my dad has 2 22s will I be able to borrow and go out on my own scott

You can't 'lend' firearms!! only shotguns for 72 hours!!


The only way to do it usually is to borrow someone's who's 'with you' and who has the permission to shoot the land in question.


OR... get one of your dads .22's put onto your ticket(your empty slot) and get it cleared for use on the land in question. Then he would need to put in for a 1 for 1 variation to keep his now empty slot and wait WEEKS for his/your ticket to come back!!....... easier to just go with someone else for now.






Edited by sg1
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You have to be 18 to have a fac,they have just put the age up from 17 and you CANNOT borrow a rifle or use someone else's unless your 18 and over not even in the presence of the rifle owner

AFAIK , FAC minimum application is 14YO to have full access to your own. Air rifle law has recently changed to 18 though.





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AFAIK , FAC minimum application is 14YO to have full access to your own. Air rifle law has recently changed to 18 though.






That's what I thought. I remember (I think it was FM) saying that he could no longer go out with his air rifle legally but could with his firearms? Funny as hell that was! :oops:


Scott - You could sign one of your dads rifles onto your FAC without him giving it up. It is possible for more than one person to be the keeper of the rifle so you could then legally "borrow" it. The only restriction you may find os that if your dad has other guns, you may have to keep "your" rifle in a seperate cabinet which you both have access to, but only he can get to the rest. :yes:

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Yes that I mean if he sign one onto my fac if I get it I will be legal to go out on my own



As long as the land is cleared by FEO and mentioned on the use of the rifle on your ticket.





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