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Pellet choice


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Hi Chaps, and chapettes :D

I have got meself a qb 78 in .22 calibre for the child to plink at mine, and maybe come to the club during the skool hols lol

I was given a tin of rws superdomes with the gun, but they dont group at all well. Come payday i will be nipping down to local ye olde gun shoppe and getting some cleaning pads, and maybe a couple of multi pack pellets.

Anyone else have one of these guns, and if so what type of pellets are you using, and what is the best range to zero at (i was testing at 35 yds, same as the Ultra).

Any help will be greatly appreciated. :good:



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Unless your qb78 has been upgraded it will never group at 35 yards because they only run at around 7ft/lb. I gave mine the full treatment from TR Robb and it now shoots at full power and groups well at around 28 yards with rws superdomes. Have you got a chrono? if not, invest, they are invaluable as co2 fluctuates with AND like the weather

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  • 2 weeks later...

Deano I'm not trying to slate T R Robb but rather get advice I fitted the kit as per the dvd and the gun started off with 9.1ft/lb but ended up as 7.6ft/lb. Thinking I made a mistake I replaced the parts and ended up with 9ft/lb. The pellets used were JSB Express 7.9gr. Could you think what I'm doing wrong? This has put me off the gun and I'd like to get the gun running up to 10+ft/lb.

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TR Robb knows his stuff I would let him tune the gun as he will get upto 11 ft lbs but i stress never do it yourself or you have to take liability ?

These guns are useless in hot and cold weather conditions and u have to let them aclimatise to changing temperatures or else you will get flyers!

Best route is a full tune as you may only get 2 in 10 of these guns any good off the shelf!!!!!

Shoulda bought a cheap springer instead.

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I've got a couple of decent springers HW97, HW77, Prosport and a decent pcp Airwolf. I just wanted to give the gun to my nephew 10 as he wants to learn to shoot. I am quite happy to take the liability on the gun and originally asked Terry to tune the gun for me, but he was too busy. Maybe I should buy him the S200.

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Bought a "pellet pack" from me local gunshop, and sat out last night trying them all out :good:

It turns out it HATES AA field, and Superdomes, but likes the H&N FTT pellets

Went out this morning abd bought a tin of then, and began to zero, but then the rain started, so i came in like the bug wuss i am :huh: lol

I have borrowed a chrono, but not sure what the readings should be for .22, i have an idea for .177.

Thanks for the replies guys. Nice to have some input to things from guys that like to help :good: :good:


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I make .22 H&N ftt to shot 570-598ft/s would produce 10.9-11.99ft/lb providing the weight of the pellet is as stated as 15.1gr. However, on weighing my .177 ftt stated weight was 8.44 but having weighed them found them to vary, giving an average of around 8.7gr.

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